
“Damon... Damon...”

I see the fire burning in the eyes of the man. A burningdesire to rip out the heart of my ex. Aggression. Anger.


He’s out of control. He would do anything, and Luke would be totally unable to fend for himself.

There would be blood, and it would be spilled overme.

And I’m now cradling Damon’s face between my hands, whispering to him. Trying my best to keep him away from my ex.

“Focus on me,” I whisper. “Ignore Luke.”

There’s still the anger in those dark eyes...

“Focus on me. Focus on me. Focus on me, Damon.”

He growls.

“Don’t hurt anyone. Please, Damon. Don’t do it. Don’t think it.”

And then he finally locks eyes with mine, and not with Luke’s. He’s turning away from committing violence; I can see that.

“I can make him disappear with a mere click of my fingers,” he snarls, toward both Luke and me.

“I don’t doubt you could,” I reply soothingly. “I really don’t doubt. But you don’t have to. You can come with me back to yours. You can keep your eyes on mine and forget all about Luke. Focus on me.”

And Damon does what I ask of him. I see, in real-time, that flame of anger dissolve from behind his eyes as he centers his attention on me.

And now I am taking him by the hand and leading him out of the park as we continue to look at each other, and not at my ex rambling around uselessly behind us.

“This isn’t over yet,” Luke yells from the distance as we reach Damon’s car, but neither of us are interested in the harmless drunk man in the park.

We’re staring at each other with such intensity that the whole world is shut off to us.



I am seething with anger.

So much so that I stay completely and utterly silent during the entire drive back to my mansion. The only thing preventing me from doing a sharp U-turn right now and heading back to the park to settle things with that asshole once and for all is Ava sitting so composed beside me as we spin through these dark streets of our hometown. At any other time in my life I would not have hesitated to make that boy vanish as if he’d never existed. Stick my knife in his begging throat. But Ava’s got this mysterious, ethereal influence over me that can somehow tame my more... aggressive impulses. She’s stopping me from indulging in my worst nature.

When she ran up to me in the park, her hands on my face and her eyes burning into mine, I felt a shift in me that I had never felt before. She was immediately able to make me flip from seeing nothing but red to a strange kind ofpeaceful stillness in a mere heartbeat with just her calming look.

Focus on me, Damon...

I pull up inside my mansion gates, home at last, and proceed to march into my living room where I finally turn to Ava. She’s followed me. Calm and silent. All the way inside. She’s impossible. She’s like an angel.

I can’t even look at something so pure.

Someone who can calm my rage with just a look and some throwaway words.

“I need a drink,” I say. The first words I’ve spoken since the park.

“I’ll have one too,” my girl says.