Wow.What have I done?

Sex with my sworn enemy. Sex with the man who controls the destiny of my dad.

And, worst of all, Ienjoyedit. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

A shiver runs down my spine. There is something within me. A new sensation that I’ve never felt before. I feel so dirty. So naughty.

And it feels so damn good.

Damon is already on his feet, already sliding back into his black suit. He turns to me.

“Get changed, Ava.”

“What for?” I ask.

Is he kicking me out?

“I have work to do, so I need to get going,” the man I’ve signed my life over to replies.

“Um, it’s super late at night, though.”

“I always have business,” the man says. “I will call you when I am next ready. You’re mine now.”

“You’ll call me?”

I’m left in a dumb mess.Why am I asking such stupid questions?

Damon, not fully dressed, reaches his office door.

“You’ll be able to let yourself out,” he says before he leaves.

He shuts the door behind him, and I feel a surprising pang of desire for him as he disappears.

Did he really just fuck me and then discard me? In the middle of the night?

My head is in a total mess. I don’t know what to feel. The man literally just used me, and now I’m actuallyfeelingsomething for him? All from one quick, dominating fuck? What is going on with me?

I am so confused.

But I gather my shit. I’m going home.



Walkingthrough the dorms of Crystal River is a hell of a different experience than what I am usually used to. I’ve not been back here since I left, a few weeks ago, to rush back home to support Dad. The last time I was here, on campus, was just as I was hearing about the debts for the first time and when Luke broke up with me, and when everything went to crap. A whole terrible whirlwind.

So it’s very weird to be back.

But I haven’t forgotten the maze-like layout. I still find my way up the stairs to the dorm room I used to – well, technicallystill– share with my new best friend, Olivia Weldon.

I knock on the door. Very unusual to do so as well; I typically used to barge in here without a care for my roommate’s privacy.

Olivia opens the door with a big smile. If you met us in the street, you’d think there is no way we would be friends; we’re so different, her and me. I’m the big extrovert andshe’s the shy introvert with a love of books and reading. I like being with people, and she’s perfectly content being on her own.

But somehow we just click. I guess it’sopposites attractand all that.
