Despite my infamous cold heart, there is a place there reserved for Arthur. His passing is still so raw.

We all miss him.

I miss him.

“I think it’s best I keep Olivia from the rest of the family at this present stage,” Spencer replies coolly. He’s smart enough not to take the bait of my teasing. “I can see…issuesarising if she were exposed to that level of chaos just yet.”

“True,” I reply. “The very last thing you need right now is Mother getting her hands on the poor girl.”


“And what about the university?” I ask. “Do they know about your little affair?”

“I think it’s best we keep that from the university as well,” Spencer says.

“Ah. I see,” I reply. “You know, behind all that book smarts of yours, you truly are a little mischievous devil as well, Spencer. And what would you call your fling with this girl? When will you drop her?”

“It’s not like that this time. Things are...seriousbetween Olivia and me,” my brother replies cryptically. I raise an eyebrow in response.

“What’s this? The great Spencer Penmayne actually...lostfor words for the first time in his life?”

“Tell me about your business, Damon. How’s it all going? You like to keep all that side of your life secret.”

“Trying to change the subject, are we? Tell me more about thisseriousrelationship...”

“What’s your latest crime, Damon?” my brother asks.

“Oh, we’re going there?” I ask. “You really want to tread on my toes?”

“I’ve heard how you’re involved with a mutual contact of ours,” Spencer says.

I shift in my seat. He’s being sneaky. “What mutual contact? Who are you talking about?”

“Olivia’s roommate at college,” Spencer replies calmly. “Ava Matson. Surely, to you, that name rings a bell?”

Oh yes, it certainly does.

But I keep my cards close to my chest. Even with my brother.

“No idea in the slightest.”

My brother looks at me in a way that echoes back to how he looked at me in childhood. He knows when I am concealing something, more than anyone else on this planet.

“Her father owes you money,” he says. “Asignificantsum of money. That’s what I’ve heard.”

“Maybe he does,” I reply. “A lot of people owe me money.”

“Drop those debts, Damon.”

I grip my whiskey glass tighter.

“It’s not as simple as that,” I say.

“Why not?”

My brother is really starting to get on my nerves.

“It’s not about the money, Spencer, you know this.”