She’s the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

It is, simply put, the best decision I have ever made.

And her saying yes is the best thing to have ever happened to me.

Ava takes me into my bedroom and jumps onto the bed, facing me on all fours.

“I hope you’re well enough for me,” she says with an alluring twinkle in her mixed-color eyes.

“Don’t you dare even doubt me,” I snarl back, before I strip myself down.

“I am.”

Her eyes dart down to my ready erection.

“I am certainly well enough to fuck you, Ava,” I say. “My fiancée.”

“Come here and show me, then,” Ava teases. “Myfuturehusband.”

I snarl again before I pounce on her.

And I prove to her that I am certainly well enough to fuck her.

I prove it to her three times in a row.



I letmy finger trace down the middle of Damon’s muscular chest. He isglisteningin sweat, but I really don’t mind. Everything about him is sexy to me. Every atom of this gorgeous man.

And he’s alive. And he’s getting better. And he gets to be mine forever.

I have no doubt in my mind over what his feelings for me truly are anymore. Those days of moping around in this mansion wondering what he thought about me are long, long, long gone.

He proposed to me. Holy shit, the gangster just proposed... to me.

It was totally unexpected. I really didn’t think that would be happeningat allwhen I arrived here today. It was truly the very, very last thing on my mind when I took in a nervous breath outside his mansion.

But it is the most welcome surprise in the world.

“You know,” Damon whispers as my finger continues totrace down his toned body. “I once told you that every day I wake up and I am always looking to be the best in what I do, and how that conviction is what’s got me to where I am.”

“Yeah, I remember,” I reply.

“And you told me that maybe life is about more than being the best,” he says. “You said that maybe life is about relationships and connections and doing the best for your family. Giving your all to the people you love. That maybe there’s somethinggreaterthan perfection.”


“And I told you that it was trash,” Damon continues. “But now... getting to know you... getting to love you... I think I’m starting to get around to what you were saying. I think I understand, and I think I agree with you.”

“You do?” I ask him, looking up into his eyes.

He nods slowly.

And I feel my love for him surge up from deep within me.

As my finger reaches the edge of his groin, Damon lets out a low chuckle.