“Eugene Abbott.Finally.”

Despite the fury and the action of the previous few minutes, I am not out of breath. I am full of testosterone and adrenaline.Yearsof it, waiting for this very moment.

The man simply stares at me dumbly.

I bet he wasn’t expecting this turn of events on this lazy night. I bet he wasn’t expecting to see an avenging angel smash through his front door with his name on his lips.

He has no idea what’s in store for him now.

“Damon... what the...”

Ava has followed me inside. Her voice pierces my back as she surveys my ferocious entry. I must look a strange sight with a drooling Luke Abbott in my hand and my lips sneering at some unsuspecting middle-aged man sitting in front of me.

“This man, Ava,” I say quietly, gesturing at the frozen Eugene a mere step away from me as I tightly hold on to his son, “is the man I’ve told you about. He is the man I’ve spent years of my life looking for. Eugene Abbott is the man who shot and killed my godfather right in front of my eyes on the streets of Chicago.”

Ava darts to my side, dumbstruck. We’re both nowtotally ignoring her pathetic ex as I cling to his collar by my other side.

“Wait...what?” she asks. “He’s really the one who did that? The one you’ve never found? Are you sure that’s him?”

Eugene is still frozen in his chair. His eyes swivel between Ava and me. He’s not saying a word. He knows it’s too late for him. I’m in control, just as I was in control at Handsome Jack’s mansion.

I nod at Ava and then turn my attention back to the man. “I saw his face that day, clear as it is right now. I will never forget that face, and here he is. I can’t believe he was here all this time, living in CrystalfuckingRiver, of all places. All that time searching for a man who turned out to be the father of your ex...”

“This is crazy, Damon,” Ava says. She sees the burning in my eyes. She knows what’s coming. “Stop for a moment. Consider this for a second.Think. Don’t do anything rash...”

“I have done enough thinking,” I say, pulling out my trusty knife with my spare hand. “I have had my godfather’s knife with me all these years, waitingexactlyfor this moment. This knife has had one purpose, and that’s to exact its revenge on this man.”


Eugene is still totally shackled in shock to his chair. He seems utterly resigned to his fate. There’s nowhere for him to go, nowhere for him to escape.

I am certain – without a shadow of a doubt – that this is my man. He’s got the same light shade of blonde hair. The same curled lips. The same eyes.

It’s him, for sure.

One hundred fucking percent.

And now it can finally happen.

My godfather’s revenge. What I’ve been thinking about for so very long…

I raise the knife high – the black blade which has my godfather’s name engraved on it - ready to plunge down into Eugene Abbott.

Nothing can stop me now.

And then Ava steps in front of me and in the way of my revenge.



I haveno choice - I have to stand in front of Damon and his target.

I have to stand in front of his falling knife.

I can’t believe what Damon has said... Luke’s dad is the man who killed Damon’s godfather? Did he really shoot him all those years ago?

It can’t be…