“I’m sorry,” he says confidently, raising up his palms as if in surrender. He’s still smiling as if he’s some recent convert to some happy-go-lucky hippy cult.

“You just gave me a shock,” I mutter.

I eye him warily. I’m nervous as to what he may do, or even worse,say.

And Luke seems to know this. He keeps his hands raised up.

In that new, super smiley way.

“I don’t mean to ambush you, Ava,” he says cheerily. “I saw you walking and thought I would come over and speak to you.”

“What for?” I ask. My voice coming out is more abrasive than I imagined it to be in my head.

“To say sorry,” Luke continues. “I’m sorry for the way I acted...before. I have not been in a good state recently, but I’m working to change things. I want to start things over again with you.”

“You threatened me with spreading rumors,” I reply, remaining strong.

Luke shakes his head. “I am sorry for that. I didn’t actually go through with it, if you must know.”

“It still doesn’t change a thing,” I say.

“And I don’t expect it to,” Luke replies. “You’re justified in being angry with me. I just wanted to come and say sorry and clear the air between us.”

“I’ve got to go to class,” I murmur, trying my best to end this weird conversation. I know Luke. He’s a boy full of testosterone and ego; the last thing he might ever be issorry, no matter how big his smile may be. I’m wary enough not to fall for his charms.

“Could we go for a drink?” Luke asks delicately. “Tonight?”

“Why would I even think about something like that, Luke, after the way you’ve acted?” I question him.

Luke looks at me for a moment. His eyes are soft. He’s looking at me in the same way he used to when we first started dating as teenagers. He’s looking at me in the same way that made me fall in love with him.

“I feel like I owe you,” he says. “I want to apologize, Ava. Really. For everything. In a truthful and serious way.”

I sigh.

I’ve got nothing on tonight, and my lifehasbeen boring these last few weeks as I’ve tried to be a good little student. Maybe hearing a real apology from Luke might put some closure on things. Maybe it might help me sleep better at night so that I am no longer thinking about certain men.

Maybe it might actually be an okey time for me to find a conclusion to that part of my life.

Fine. What the hell.

“Sure,” I say. “I’m free tonight. One drink, though. And I want it noted I’m doing this just so that you can say sorry properly.”

Luke smiles one more time. A genuine smile for once.

And I can’t help but feel a short little twinge of something to see him happy that I want to go out with him.

“Perfect,” he says. “I’ll swing by your dorm room at eight to pick you up.”



I crouchby the stone wall.

I am shrouded in the enveloping darkness of the night, exactly as I had meticulously schemed when this daring plan first took shape in my mind.

No one can see me.