“Don’t worry about me turning up like this at yourhome,” I say. “I am not here for you, sir. I’m sure Ava has told you that I consider your debts to me forgiven?”

“She’s not here.”

“Who? Ava? Come on, I know she’s in there.”

“You’re not going to see her,” Ava’s father says.

I look at the man. “I want to see her. I usually get what I want.”

The man shakes his head and mutters to the ground. “I don’t know what’s happened recently with her. I don’t know why she’s with you, or what she has done with you these past few weeks. I don’t know what has happened between you two. But whatever you have done against her, you should know that you should just walk away right now. Walk away from this front door. Go back to your world. Forget about her. She doesn’t want to see you.”

What the hell?

I want to let loose with this man, but I hold myself back. He is her father, after all.

I take in a deep breath.

No need to lose my temper. That’s not going to help anything. Calm yourself, Damon.

“I understand,” I say. And I honestlydounderstand - Ava is angry with me, but I need to respect that feeling even if every bone in my body wants to fight to the death for her.

Even if I will do literallyanythingto get her back.

“I think you should leave her alone, Damon,” her father says.

I nod. “If that’s her wish,” I mutter.


It’s hard doing this, saying those words. Backing down from a challenge isveryunnatural for me.

But it must be done if that’s what my girl wants.

Ava’s father closes the front door on me.

And I am left here on the suburban street. Like a loser. A man tossed aside.

I don’t like this.

She really doesn’t want to see me. And I really have to respect that decision.

No matter what I’ve done in my life, no matter how much money I have made or power I have accumulated, all of that simply pales in comparison to this moment and the loss of the love of my life.

I stare at the closed door, not moving.

Nothing has ever hit as hard as this moment.

The world seems empty without Ava in it.

A black hole of nothingness...




Clutched in my hand,my phone vibrates angrily at me. It makes me jump. I am really no good with surprises.