Damonreallydoes takeme to New York. On his private plane. Even though I’ve already been on this thing before, my breath is still completely taken away when he takes me on board. That opulence inside here... that luxury of a private plane...

It’s all too much.

It’s like a whole different world. It’s just like how these last few weeks have felt like a dream. Living with Damon. Flying on his private plane. Experiencing his opulent lifestyle. Like it’s out of something that Olivia would read - some fantasy novel or something completely made-up. It’s like I simply walked from my normal mundane world into Damon’s billionaire exciting world.

And I don’t think I ever want to leave...

It’s just us two and the pilots onboard the jet. Damon really wants me to have a good time, making sure I’m totally relaxed. He seems like he can’t take a breath until I’m tended to.

“You okay?” he asks me as we settle in our seats. His usually confident swagger is now full of concern for me. “You’ve got everything you want?”

He really wants me to be happy. My mood affects him.

This is new.

I smile at him. “I am more than okay, Damon.”

“You want a drink?” he asks me. “Anything to eat? I can summon up anything you desire, even on here. Everything is for you, and you alone. Just let me know what you want.”

His anxiety is cute. He’s clearly never looked after someone like this before.

I wave his worries away. “I am fine, Damon. I have everything I could ever want. Let me soak in this moment. I’m more than happy right now.”

And I do soak in this insane, out-of-this-world moment. I stare out of the window at the rolling fields below us for the entire flight, basking in this incredible experience. I’m pretty damn sure looking out of a window this high up will never fail to captivate me. Everything is so breathtaking. Everything is so vast. I lose myself in the clouds and the idea of just how damn big the world truly is. Buildings look like toys. Crystal River looks like a tiny dot.

Everything feels so small.




I just sit on the luxury plane next to the crime boss who treats me like a princess, and I shake my head at what the hell I’ve gotten myself tangled up in.

I still cannot wrap my head around all this.

When we land, Damon has a car already waiting for us. He is very intent on driving us.

By the ease with which he steers us into the city, it’spretty clear that heknowsNew York intimately. He knows each and every street. Each and every bend.

This ishiscity.

And he wants to show it off to me.

“I’m going to take you to my usual suite at the best hotel in town,” he tells me as we zoom through the busy city streets. “But first, I want to take you somewhere that’s important to me. Somewhere that I’ve shown no one else. Are you okay with that?”

I merely nod. I’m overwhelmed by everything.

“Yes, I would like that, Damon. Very much.”


We duck and dive until we’re underneath one of the main bridges of the city. I recognize it from countless films and TV shows, but I can’t place the name. Damon pulls the car over and stops, nodding out of the window at the dark alley underneath the bridge.