Ava wakesup wrapped in my arms. The morning sunlight streams through the window and onto her face, illuminating her beautiful features. Making me smile.

Over the time I've been with Ava, I've tended to wake up before her, but I am not complaining in the slightest. To see her sleep so peacefully with that pretty face of hers is like a gift every morning. Her warm body snuggles up against mine. I feel the outline of her soft ass against my leg muscles. Her platinum blonde hair slips through my fingers.

I feel totally at peace - a feeling I’ve not felt for a very long time.

Who is this girl and why is she making me so damn happy?

Why do I laugh along with her? Why does she make me feel so many overwhelming feelings?

Am I having... dare I say...funwith her?

I sound like some hopeless romantic and not me. This is fucking crazy. Am I living in an upside-down world?

Ava stirs, and I roll back against the pillow to hide the fact I’ve been watching her for the past half hour. Her eyes flutter open and she takes a long yawn.

She looks at me.

I look at her.

“Morning,” she says.

I smile. “Morning, beautiful.”

She smiles at that.

“I want to show you something, Damon.”

“What?” I ask.

“It’s a secret. But I want to show you it today, if you have time.”

“For you,” I whisper, “I have all the time in the world.”

“Well, we need to drive into Crystal River,” Ava replies.

“I’ll call my security,” I say, but Ava reaches out and takes my hand.

“No,” she replies. “Please don’t. No security. Not today. Not for this.”

“Okay,” I say. “Just you and me. Where are you taking me?”

She guidesme into the center of Crystal River, to the park near the restaurant the other night. I stop the car and turn to her.

“Tell me, where are we going? I’m not a fan of surprises.”

Ava laughs. “You’ve never had someone surprise you?” she asks.

“Every surprise in my life has been something bad,” I reply.

“You’ve never had someone arrange a surprise date for you?”

I shake my head. “I’ve never been on a date.”

“Wait, what? You’ve never had a date? Surely you’re not a virgin, Damon Penmayne?”