“I am always prepared for anyone I might potentially have the pleasure for meeting,” I reply. “Even for sarcastic little girls who occupy my office.”

“I am not some little girl. Give me some respect.”

“But you have been occupying my office, haven’t you? Why should I respect you?”

“You’ve really just brought me in to insult me,” Ava sighs. “What is this?”

Oh, I amreallyenjoying this now.

“Now let’s turn to the subject of your father,” I say. “He’s the reason you are here, is he not? He’s the man whose...predicamenthas brought you into my office today, correct?”

“Don’t talk crap about Dad,” Ava says through clenched teeth,

Hm. Seems like I’ve hit a nerve. Let’s exploit this...

“Your father owes me a lot of gambling money. You know that, right, Ava Matson? I think it’s fair to say I can talk whatever crap I like about the man, don’t you? Especially when he has done such a grave disservice to me.”

“Don’t you dare insult him.”

“Yes. I like that fight in you, Ava Matson. Do you consider yourself a fighting girl?”

“Only when I have to be,” she replies quietly.

I’m really pressing that nerve now.

“Are you going to fight me?” I ask. “Is that what you’ve came here for?”

She sighs, not taking my bait. “Are we going to actually get down to hard tax and discuss how to get rid of my dad’s debts or are we just going to continue to do nothing but feed your enormous, ugly ego?”

“Watch it,” I growl. “You’ve got a venomous tongue,Ava, but this is my space, and I’ve invited you in here. I could have just ignored you and left you sitting out there twiddling your thumbs.”

“Don’t act like you’re doing me some big service,” Ava shoots back. “You ain’t Mother Teresa. Are you just going to mock me all day, or are you actually ready to talk business, Damon?”

“Call me Mr. Penmayne,” I reply. “And, yes, I would prefer to mock you all day. Seeing your face like this isverysatisfying.”

I’m loving this little bickering we’ve got going. It makes a fine change from my usual business transactions.

I’m actually having fun for once.

Ava rolls her eyes. She’s clearlynothaving fun. “Okay, that’s it,” she says. “This is a total waste of my time and I ain’t gonna waste a second more. Goodbye, Damon Penmayne. I’ll find some way to get you your stupid money, even if I have to beg for it from some stupid bank. To be honest, I would rather do anything but hear you jerk yourself off for another hour at my expense. I truly,trulyhope I never see you again for the rest of my life.”

And she stands up. She turns her back to me. She’s going to the door that leads out of my office.

I nod slowly in respect. People don’t tend to bite back like that.

Damn. She’s good.

And she’s totally irresistible.

Even with her little speech, she must know she needs my help if she’s ever going to get rid of the money her father owes me. Despite the confrontational flame that burns so bright in her, she has no bargaining position to play around here. She can’t just leave this room and expect all her problems to have evaporated simply because she had the guts totell the mean criminal billionaire a piece of her mind. I have all the power here, not her.

Look, I could easily let her go and deal with her father in the same way that men who owe me money have usually been dealt with in the past. A way I seriously doubt she would like.

But where’s the fun in that?

And it’s only now that I realize what I earnestly want from this spicy little interaction with the pretty girl.

I wanther. Completely. Wholly. Utterly. I want her mine with a ferocity that I can barely control. I’ve wanted her since she made my heart stop in the other room.