Just as I want it.
The air is full of the smells of the place. Hops and malt and yeast. Intoxicating.
I could never tire of the scent in here.
This is my passion. This is where my heart truly lies.
What started off as a front for my other business has quickly turned into my obsession.
“This place is pretty damn amazing,” Ava says in awe as she glances around. “Tell me the story behind it.”
“So, you can agree that what I do isn’t all about violence?” I ask her.
Ava rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, okay. I get it,” she says with a smirk. “You are clearly more than what your reputation suggests, Damon. Now, tell me the story behind this brewery.”
“I started this place with a loan and not a lot of hope,” I tell her as we pass downstairs to the brewery floor. “But now it’s a business that delivers alcohol to nearly every country on Earth. I employ hundreds of people here. Every suit told me opening this brewery up in Crystal River was a terrible business decision, but I told them to fuck off. I want to serve the people of my hometown over any profits. I want to give back to this community.”
Ava gazes up at me, her eyes meeting mine. “Keep going,” she says. “Tell me more. Tell me everything about this place. I would love to hear whatever you’ve got to say.”
Fuck. She’s genuinely interested.
She actually wants to listen to me talk about my passion.
And something about thatreallysends that cold knife to pierce through my heart and change my soul.
She was meant to be just a fuck, but I get so giddy thinking about her.
She is turning into somethingmore.
And I need to be fucking careful.
Okay,so it seems like Damon is passionate about thingsotherthan killing and collecting debts. I get that now.
With each passing minute I spend in his company, it becomes increasingly evident that there’s much more to this man than the stereotypical image of a gangster. It’s as if every moment spent with the guy unravels a new layer to him, unveiling facets of his character that defy the clichés. Perhaps, deep within that chest of his, there is something more than just a frigid, unfeeling, cold heart. Maybe there is more than I initially assumed.
Damon is clearly so proud of his brewery. He shows it off to me as if he’s never shown it off to anyone before. And I love it. I love seeing the passion in his face and the pride in his voice and the fire in his eyes as he takes me around the building.
Yeah, he’s a lot more than just a gangster...
I like this brewery and this building, but I think that’s because of the wholesome enthusiasm that Damon has for itrubbing off on me. It’s certainly inspiring. I am the first to admit I don’t know a single freaking thing about the making of alcohol, but I can see the level of talent and artistry on display here.
And he purposely set it all up in Crystal River to service our hometown. Give jobs back to our community. I’m sure he could rake in a whole lot more cash if he set it up somewhere else more logical in a business sense, but he actually wants to make adifference.
That ain’t very gangster of him.
And Damon really likes to tell me all about it in a voice that’s bordering on actual emotion.
His face lit up like this...
I wouldn’t have expected any of this from him.
There is definitely much more to this man than I first thought.