I smile. This time I’m even more triumphant.

Even though I despise the guy, I really gotta say that Damon’s reception room is pretty damn impressive. It’s a vast space of shiny marble flooring and a soft ambiance provided by some cool embedded LED lighting dotted all around. There is even a discrete filter water refreshment station set up in the corner with classy crystal carafes ready for pouring and everything. The vibe in here is proof enough that the guy is exorbitantly rich. I’ve never been in somewhere so effortlessly…cool. The walls are all a dark gray, decorated only by black and white photographs. I’ve been able to study those artworks as I’ve been stuck herewaiting over the last few days, and they’re way more intense than I initially thought.

They are photos of Damon Penmayne with various famous people, shaking hands and smiling.




And also, just for laughs, the freakingKingof freakingEngland.

So totally normal.

It would appear that Damon Penmayne moves with the very highest of high society.

Yeah, this office is pretty damn mind-blowing, to say the least.

It has been a hell of an effort to get my ass into this very room. I mean, I shouldn’t evenbein New York City in the first place. I’ve never come here before in my life: I’m just a small town girl from Crystal River who’s never really been anywhere. And, besides, I should really be in class right now back home at Crystal River University and not holed up in an office for some billionaire and his big, dumb, ‘roided-up security.

But I’ve skipped home and classes for the last week to do this.

Whatever the hell it is I’m actually doing...

To be honest, I never truly expected to really meet Damon Penmayne when I set off from home a few days ago. I simply just had todo something. You see, my dad is in debt.Bigdebt, in fact, to none other than Damon Penmayne.

The infamous vicious criminal with the famous last name.

The very last man I should ever, ever, ever get involved with.

But despite my misgivings, my dad’s heavily in debt to the man, and I am here to fix it.

Everyone in my hometown knows who the Penmaynes are. Well, so do most of America, to be honest. Six brothers, all of whom lucked out in the looks department. And as if they needed handsome looks as well: their dad’s a billionaire media tycoon who’s one of the most powerful men in the world with his far-reaching TV and internet and newspaper empire. But despite their family wealth, each of the brothers has found success in his own right. One’s some super smart professor, another’s a famous Hollywood actor, one is some well-regarded doctor, one is a beloved firefighter back in Crystal River, another one is some former air force pilot...

The family holds every job under the sun, apparently.

And Damon Penmayne? Well, he’s got the worst reputation of all of the brothers - a bad boy with a black heart. He may pretend to be the suave businessman, but he is the rumored head of one of the most powerful gang operations on the East Coast. Well, it’s the worst rumor in the whole freaking world because it seems like everyone and their dog knows who he truly is.

And I personally don’t know why he isn’t rotting in a jail cell by now.

It’s honestly damn terrifying to evencontemplateambushing the man himself at his own fancy skyscraper office, and yet somehow, I have found the balls to do so. I seriously don’t even get why I spontaneously yelled out his name when those elevator doors popped open and I caught sight of him for the very first time. I guess I was just swept up in the moment, you know? Being a former cheerleader does also give me - as well as muscles that come in handy in a fight with grumpy security guards - a sense of the dramatic flair that comes in handy in times like these.

But I was angry. And Iwantedto be dramatic when I saw Damon. His name did escape my lips with plenty of built-up spite within me. All I could visualize when I saw Damon Penmayne as those elevator doors opened was Dad’s face when he told me he was in debt to the same man standing just yards away from me.

He is the man I want to see. The most terrible man I’ve heard of.

I’m not gonna let this known criminal get away with dragging my dad through hell. The research, planning, and fluttering of my eyelashes to get me up here, in this room, was crazy and demeaning and hard and vile, but I would do anything for Dad. Yeah, he’s not perfect; he’s got a gambling addiction - the thing that got us into this mess in the first place - and I am making sure he gets help with it, but I love him with all my heart, and I would walk to the damn ends of the earth for him.

And I am going to make this right, no matter if that means confronting a man who could probably have my body thrown into a river with just a word from his pretty lips.

And so, I end up here. Damon Penmayne is now in his swanky office, shielded by an imposing shut and locked door, and I am engaged in a stare-off with his burly bald brute of a bodyguard.

And I have zero clue as to what the hell happens next.

And I am freakingstarving.

And I am holding in the most desperate pee in the history of the world.