
“Nice room,” I remark.

“Only a few people are ever allowed in here,” the gangster replies.

“So it’s like aboy’s onlytreehouse club thing?”

Damon gives me a stern look.

I guess my impeccable sense of humor goes straight over his head, then.

“This office is reserved for my most...intimatenegotiations,” Damon continues, ignoring my snarky remark.


“You should feel honored that I’ve let you go behind the curtain, Ava.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Despite the fear still thudding away in my tight chest, I refuse to bow down to the crime boss. I ain’t about to bend over backwards just because this man has a lovely indoor swimming pool.

Suddenly, the door behind me bursts open, and in comes a large German Shepherd. The dog bounds over to me and starts to lick my hand. I can’t help but giggle now. I pet the cute dog, completely forgetting about Damon and the freaky situation I’ve found myself in.

“What’s your dog’s name?” I ask the man, giving the German Shepherd a good scratch behind the ears.

“He doesn’t have a name,” Damon replies. There’s a strange look on his face. Is it... surprise? I can’t tell. I wouldn’t imagine stoic Damon’s ever been surprised.

“Your dog must have a name,” I say. “You can’t just call itDog.”

“I do, actually,” Damon says, still with that strange look on his face. “He’s my guard dog. He doesn’t like people, and deliberately so. He’s solely trained to attack strangers, not lick them.”

“Well, he’s licking me,” I reply. “He mustn’t bethatwell trained.”

“That dog loves no one except for me,” Damon says. “I made that so. Why is he like this with you?”

I continue to scratch the adorable pup.

“Well, it seems like he loves me too, then.”

“I really don’t understand...”

Damon’s voice trails off. It’s the first time I’ve seen him momentarily lose his self-assuredness.

Oh. So he is surprised.

He never expected his dog to love someone else.


I take full advantage.

“Your dog isadorable, Damon,” I coo. “You may want a big scary dog, but you’ve instead ended up with a super cute one. And he loves me.”

“This is indeed strange…”

“Come on, you can admit you’re a doggy dad,” I tease. “Go on, Damon.”

“Dog. Out.”