My brother sighs.

“What is it about, Damon?” he asks.

“The principle,” I reply.

“Whatprinciple, Damon?”

My brother is really hiding his exasperation poorly.

“It’s about honoring your commitment,” I reply. “Your word. I’m all about honor. And honoring your commitments.”


“What would my enemies think if I were to simply drop these debts and they heard about it, as they surely would? Without a doubt, I would lose my reputation. I would lose myhonor. I will never allow that to happen.”

“What can be done, then?” Spencer asks. “You’re going to murder the poor man simply on principle? You’re a bad man, Damon, but you’re notthatbad.”

“Ava will help repay her father’s debts,” I reply curtly. “That’s it.”

“I know Ava,” Spencer says softly. “She’s loyal. Agoodperson. We both know how rare those kinds of people are, especially in our world. I’m worried about what you will do with her. Tell me, how will she pay off her father’s debts?”

I take a long pause.

“I’m simply getting a debt paid. It is the right thing for the Matson family to do,” I eventually say.

My brother goes quiet and dark.

“What are you considering, Damon? Tell me.”

I shake my head. “Nothing that you wouldn’t do, brother.”

He regards me for a very long time before he speaks again. I hold his unwavering eye contact.

“I hope to God you know what you’re doing,” Spencereventually says. “You’re playing with lives here. This isn’t a game.”

I scoff. “I’ve taken lives, Spencer. I know what’s at stake.”

“Innocentlives?” he asks.

“Never. Only guilty ones.”

“You certainly are an enigma, Damon. I feel sorry for the poor girl who has to deal with you.”

I smile.

“I could say the same for you, brother.”

Spencer cooks us both dinner,and we no longer mention Ava. It’s like a silent truce between us. We instead talk about his work and other issues. We discuss politics and world events. It’s always good to have a conversation with someone on your level.

And then it’s time for me to leave.

“It was good to see you again, Damon.”

“Good to see you too, Spencer.”

“Don’t be a stranger now that I’m back in Crystal River,” he says.

“Anything you want,” I reply. “Anything at all. Just ask.”