“And how long has she been waiting for me?” I ask him, moving behind my long desk. The office is sparse and minimalist in design, and deliberately so. I’ve found that both the incredible million-dollar view and the spartan nature of this place can be quite... intimidating to guests, and that ispreciselythe impression I wish to evoke as they cross the threshold to meet me in here.

Jim clears his throat and takes a moment to think. Aside from my other five brothers, he is the smartest man I know. He’s been with me for years now, ever since I first took over this New York outfit. Ever since I dragged myself out of the New York dirt to become one of the most powerful crime bosses in the country. Jim has loyally followed me all the way since that first day he joined my side, and he has been rewarded comprehensively for it. And not just financially, mind you, but with my loyalty and respect - two things that are a hell of a lot harder to acquire than money. He’s even got brains: right now, he manages my sprawling businesses and is also studying criminal law on the side.

“She’s come by here for the last three days,” Jim replies. “She hasn’t moved from her seat, according to the staff. I do apologize that she’s out there and that she was able to create a disturbance with you. I have made it very clear to your secretary and the building security that she really was to beremoved before you even arrived in the city. But that’s clearly failed. To be honest, I thought she would have given up seeing you by now.”

“She’s waitedthreewhole days?” I ask, incredulous. “Out there? Has she eaten? Has she even slept?”

“Not that I know of.”

Interesting. I was right about that fiery look and hidden resilience. She is persistent. I like that in a woman. That and her mixed-color eyes.

“Well obviously she hasn’t been removed from my office reception despite your orders,” I snarl. I am really trying to refuse to acknowledge what that girl did to me when I first laid my eyes upon her. “And clearly, she hasn’t given up on seeing me. That was quite a surprising welcome out there, I must say.”

“Again, Mr. Penmayne, I apologize for the disturbance.”

“What is her name?” I ask.

“Ava Matson,” Jim replies softly.

I do not recognize that name. To be honest, there are a hell of alotof people all around this country that owe me money. My operations have far-reaching tentacles that have wormed their way into the entirety of our nation. There are simply too many people that my various businesses deal with who I cannot reasonably keep track of, despite my characteristic attention to detail.

“Bring her in here, then,” I say to Jim. “If she wants to wait three fucking days to talk about her father’s debts, then let her talk about her father’s debts. Let her get what she so desperately came here for. Let her meet me. Right now.”

Jim’s eyes narrow. “Are you sure, Mr. Penmayne?”

“Yes. I want to speak to her,” I reply darkly. And then I add one more, vitally important, command, “alone.”



“Get your hands off me!”I bark angrily at the brute. And trust me, I’ve got every right to be pissed. The man’s attempting to shove me back into the elevator, but that ain’t happening, and certainly not if I have anything to say about it.

Not on my watch, sir.

I am going to resist with all my willpower and determination and all my naturalfuck-this-bullshitattitude. See, being a top-tier ex-cheerleader ain’t all just about pompoms and skirts and looking pretty, it’s got me some serious muscle too, and that muscle’s getting put to work as I hold my own against this massive security dude and his insistence on forcing me inside the closing doors of the plush skyscraper elevator.

The burly bald man clearly thought it was going to be easy, pushing some girl around. I am hell-bent on proving him dead wrong.

“You need to leave,” he grunts at me, breathless, as hishands continue to try to drive my shoulders backward into the elevator.

Ha. Nope.

I find my opening and slip out from his grasp, duck under his massive steroid biceps, and take my seat again by the reception desk of Damon Penmayne’s impressive penthouse office.

I cross my arms and look up sternly at the perplexed bodyguard and his sweaty bald head.

Yeah, I’m slippery when I want to be, meathead.

“I am not going anywhere,” I say to him, triumphant.

The big man simply sighs, dropping his huge shoulders, and shakes his head at me. It’s only his first attempt, and yet he’s clearly already tired of myfuck-this-bullshitattitude.


“I’ve waited a long time to see Damon Penmayne in the flesh,” I continue. “So I’m not going to stop now. You can try all you like, dude, but you ain’t making me budge. Plenty of other dudes like you have tried these last few days, and I have resisted all of them. You’re not the first.”

The bodyguard raises an eyebrow. “Yeah. I can see that.”