A different breed.

It’s scary to think how much I don’t belong in this world, but then I think of Olivia and Spencer and the love they so clearly share: two different worlds that have come together in true love.

And it’s the same between Damon and me.

I look up at the white columns that support the portico of the mansion and the dark red brick that supports theplace. I can’t help thinking that this was where Damon grew up. This is his childhood home.

I imagine telling the younger me that one day I would be walking the grounds of the famous Penmayne mansion. Younger me definitely wouldn’t have believed older me.

She’d have thought I am insane.

Through the main door, Damon leads us into the main living room and past the impressive foyer with the impossibly large staircase that sweeps up into the higher levels. It looks bigger on the inside than it does on the outside.

I see Spencer first. The cool, suave professor gives me a nod before he comes over and takes Olivia’s hand lovingly. He’s got that Penmayne cocky confidence about him – the kind that instantly commands a room.

I feel Damon’s presence behind me. He, too, takes my hand. His reassuring touch makes me feel grounded, despite all my nerves about being here in the den of the Penmaynes.

“How are you, Spencer?” I ask the professor.

“All good,” he replies. “Better to see Olivia here. She’s a beacon in the darkness.”

“Stop being cute,” she says to him, her cheeks blushing.

“You ready to chat to Father?” Spencer asks Damon, nodding behind him at the imposing, older suited man standing by a bookcase. I don’t need to be told that man is Waylen Penmayne, the patriarch and the billionaire media mogul.

“Of course,” Damon replies. “Ava, come with me.”

And he takes me to his father. My nerves are really playing up now.

Here goes.


Damon greets his dad in a serious tone. The same way he greeted Handsome Jack in that art gallery meeting.

His father gives him a slight smile before turning to me.

“You must be Ava,” he says. I can see where the Penmayne boys have got their deep voices and handsome looks from: the man is a silver fox. He must’ve been one hell of a playboy charmer back in his prime. Rich and intelligent and incredibly good looking. A real heartbreaker. I wonder what Damon’s mother must’ve done to nail down such an eligible bachelor. She must be an amazing woman, and he must be averylucky man.

“I am,” I reply to the patriarch. “Did Damon tell you about me?”

The man laughs then. A deep belly chuckle. “No. Absolutely not. Damon doesn’t disclose a single thing about his life to us. I have other ways to find out who my boys have proposed to.”

“Right. For a second there I forgot you are a billionaire with the power to kill anyone in the world just by picking up your phone,” I say. “Of course you haveother waysto find out about your sons.”

Now Waylenreallylaughs. “I like her,” he says to Damon. “I really like her. Keep her around, son.”

I guess I’ve got his seal of approval then.

“I hope you’re not trying to scare off Damon’s girl,” says a voice from behind me. I turn my neck to see it’s August Penmayne.

“I’m notthatscary,” Waylen replies to his other son. He winks at me before heading off to talk to Spencer.

He’s a man who glides through a room. A powerful man who charms you one second and then is gone the next.

“Hey,” I say to August, spinning to face him properly. It’s nice I can have a chat with him.

He smiles and shakes my hand politely. “Nice to see you again, Ava. You’re looking resplendent.”