He’s a man unlike any other I’ve seen. Arealman. A man who oozes power and confidence that I am positively sure bowls over other women left, right, and center.

And I do have to say that there is a small,minusculepart of me – right in the very back of my mind – that secretly fantasizes what it may be like to be the mistress of a man like Damon Penmayne. There is a tiny part of me that thinks it will be a hell of a lot of fun to be under his control.

And I haven’t had fun for a very long time...

Damon reaches into his suit pocket and produces a shiny gray card.

“My personal phone number,” he explains as he hands the card to me. “Call me when you change your mind.”

“Iwon’tbe changing my mind,” I snap back. “You can count on that.”

There’s a knowing glint in the man’s dark expression. “We’ll see, won’t we,” he utters.

I shake my head at his comment, but I feel my cheeks blushing. I can no longer look the man in the eyes; his gaze is just so...consuming.

“And how are you going to get back home to Crystal River?” Damon asks in a near-whisper. “It’s a hell of a journey back. You are a girl in a city so very far away from home.”

He is so damn close. So very close.

“I... haven’t planned that far ahead,” I stammer. “I just came to see you. I guess I’ll get a train, and then a bus, and somehow find my way to Crystal River.”

“And you’re hungry,” he replies. “And you’re tired. You have just spent days squatting in my office, unmoving.”

“I am so very tired,” I sigh.

Damon nods deliberately. “You could take the train and then the bus to get back home, but I do have a quicker route I am willing to propose to you, Ava. If youarewilling to let me handle this one thing for you...”



Turnsout the so-calledquicker routehome that Damon was suggesting back in his office wasn’t some kind of high-speed train or even a chauffeur-driven car, but instead the man’s private jet.

Yeah, as if.

I really did not believe it when he told me he’ll get the jet on standby to fly me back to Crystal River.

Wait, I’m actually getting flown back in a freaking private plane?

I still don’t believe it as I sit in the back of his limousine through New York City traffic on the way to the airport. I simply refuse to believeanythingthe man has uttered until I actually see the private plane with my own eyes.

That secretive man with the red hair and the hard eyes - who turns out to be Damon’s second-in-command - is along for the ride with me to the airport. I’ve since learned his name is Jim, but that was like getting blood from a stone with a man of such few words. He sits opposite me in thelong limo, staring emotionlessly out of the window probably trying to avoid any interaction with me.

He’s certainly not the talkative type.

I was practically ushered into this vehicle the moment I left Damon’s office – with a quick, and very much needed, pitstop in the restroom on the way down. I didn’t really get the chance to say yes or no to his offer to fly me back home, let alone spend a moment to think about it, before I was whirled downstairs of Damon’s office building and into the limo. That’s probably why my heart is pounding as I sit here and look at all the rising skyscrapers of this big city and think about what the hell has happened today.

Damon. Waiting days for him. Confronting him in his office. His crazy offer of being his mistress. Riding in his limousine. Going on his freaking private jet.

A girl in a city so very far away from home...

It’s all a bit too much for a simple small town cheerleader like me.

Yep. I think I’m suffering from whiplash.

“You’re on babysitting duties, then?” I ask Jim, grasping at straws to break the tension that exists inside this limo and to also get my mind off all the craziness that’s going on.

The man regards me coldly. “I’ve got business back in Crystal River. It is convenient to fly on the plane.”