And the most prominent feature about this particular devil in a tailored suit is that slender scar tracing down his left cheek. I really bet there’s a story behind that. It certainly doesn’t look like it came from just some accident.

I bet it’s come from a fight. A scar from some kind of scuffle that he clearly survived.

Yeah, and I wonder what happened to the other guy...

Looking at him, I instantly get the vibe that this is a man who knows how to move and how to strike, in both a physical and strategic mental way. This is a man who possesses a deep intelligence and an unending ability to inflict pain on others.

And he issoterrifying. So much so that I have to say it kinda turns me on to be so close to such danger. Kind of like that feeling you get when you stand too close to a cliff edge and think “I could just jump right here and now”, but...sexier.

No. This is insane, Ava. You can’t be attracted to Damon Penmayne, and not even a tiny, tiny bit. It is so wrong on so, so many levels.

Gangsters should not be sexy, especially not ones who hold your own family members in debt.

But something about Damonthrillsme in such an innate, primal way...

And so do his batshit crazy proposals that make me question his sanity.

“So, what’s your response?” the man inquires, scrutinizing me with that deep intensity he’s got going on. “What do you say to my offer?”

“Hell no to this,” I say to him, shaking my head vehemently.

“You’re rejecting me?” There’s a hint of a smile on Damon’s beautiful face. He’s really savoring this. He knows there’s little I can fight back on.

Heknows – because of my love for Dad – that I have to seriously consider his batshit crazy proposal.

But I’m stronger than that.

Well, I think I am...

“Yes, I am rejecting you,” I reply. “You want to threaten me to get me to sleep with you? That’s definitely ahell noin my books. Blackmail, you’d be surprised to know, is not the way to woo a woman.”

“You’re a pretty girl recently single, Ava, I know that,” he says. “You are not tied down to anyone else, and I am a hungry man. What more does there need to be said?”

“You’re disgusting.”

“I am a man with hot blood running through my veins,” he replies. “I like what I see, and I want it. And I usually get what I want. And I want you, Ava Matson.”

Is he...flirtingwith me?

“I am rejecting you, Damon Penmayne,” I retort. “And that’s final. Come up with a better offer that I might actually consider, and not one where I become your prisoner.”

“I would advise you against rejecting me, Ava,” he says darkly. “People don’t usually reject the only offer on the table. You should think over this very, very carefully. It really is the only offer I’m willing to allow. It might be the only way to save your father.”

“If you seriously lay one hand on him, then...”

“What?” Damon laughs darkly. “What will you do? You’ll kill me? Have you ever killed a man before, Ava? Have you ever held someone’s life in between your hands andsqueezed?”

“No, but...”

“I promise you that I wouldn’t even think about touching your father if you become my mistress. He will come under my personal protection. No harm will visit him.”

“Nowthatis definitely blackmail.”

Damon shrugs. “It seems, Ava, that right now you have a choice to make. Reject me and reject all hope for your father or embrace my deal and live happily forever after.”

He takes a step toward me, shortening the gap between us so very dangerously. I can smell his sweet expensive aftershave. I could drink him in if I wanted to. But I steadfastly refuse.

I won’t dare allow his dark charms work on my sorry ass.