Damon’s brewery. Or what’s left of it.

And it’s with a sinking feeling that I realize I was right.

It is a fire.

Most of the beautiful building is in flames. Roaring, uncontrollable flames.

Damon curses under his breath as we speed toward it even faster. He can’t help himself.

“Slow down, Damon,” I cry out. “We might crash. Pull over.”

And he does. Just at the entrance. We can feel the heat emanating from the burning buildings, even from here.

We are both breathing heavily, unable to believe what our eyes are telling us as we come to a stop by the open gates of the complex.

Damon’s pride and joy is really, truly on fire.

Fuck.This can’t be real. This must be a nightmare.

“Someone’s done this,” Damon murmurs. They are the first words he’s spoken since hanging up on Jim.

“No,” I reply. “It must be an accident. Who would do this, Damon?”

He turns to me. I see the fire burning in his eyes. It’s as vicious as the real one burning in front of us.

“We both know who might do this, Ava,” he whispers.

Handsome Jack…

And then we see him. Both of us do: a man running from the flames not even a hundred yards from us. He hasn’t noticed us, but we’ve certainly spotted him.

He’s a dark figure against the roaring inferno, but we can pick him out.

Who is he? What’s he up to?

Damon’s entire attention is on him.

Whatever this man is doing here in the dead of night, it isn’t good. He might be the culprit Damon is looking for.

And at the moment I think that, Damon unclips his seatbelt and is unlocking his door; his eyes totally focused on the shadow of the man leaping away from the flames.

“Stop, Damon,” I say, reaching for him. “Wait for Jim and the rest of the team. He said not to do anything reckless...”

“I can’t wait that long, Ava,” my man replies with anger burning in his voice.

“Please don’t,” I plead.

“I need to go, Ava.”

“I won’t forgive you if you hurt someone,” I whisper. “Or yourself.”

Damon nods toward the fire and the stranger. “He wasn’t expecting anyone to be on the scene this fast, and certainly not me. He might escape. I can’t let him go. This is my chance to end this.”

I look at my man directly. “We’re through if you do this.Please, Damon.”

I truly mean it. I told him I didn’t want to witness himgetting in harm’s way. I have never been more sure about something in my life. I told him I didn’t want to witness violence. I donotwant to see Damon in the fire beating up this man.

I really do not want to see violence.