Page 48 of A Dark Melody

“It would be nice to make an official statement. You know, help with those rumors.”

“What does it matter? People already assume we are messing around. Even if we become a couple, there will still be rumors. I will be accused of cheating on him with any guy I even breathe near.”

“Just tell me. Okay?” She says firmly.


If only she knew how much I wish we were a couple. If only I had the courage to tell him, to try. But I know myself well. I would mess it up and ruin the best thing I have, and I can’t take that risk. I needed him any way I could have him, and right now, that was just as my friend.


I’m walkingto the venue for sound check when Wes comes up beside me.

“Hey.” He greets me.

“Your sound check isn’t for another hour.” I look at him in surprise.

“I know. I came to watch yours. I hope that’s okay.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

“Plus, I just kind of missed you.” He whispers.

“I thought you’d still be mad at me.”

“I said I forgave you.” He responds, giving me a little nudge. “Water under the bridge. Plus, I was never mad at you, just.” He pauses. “Just sad, I guess. I don’t like the idea of you feeling this need to throw up all the time.”

“I’m really sorry.” My voice husky from fighting back tears.

Somehow, that made it so much worse.

“And you won’t do it again.” He smiles at me.

Wes stands at the rail of the side stage area as I go through my sound check with my backing band. I look over toward him more often than I should. He gives me encouraging smiles and the occasional thumbs up. The whole time, he has this big smile on his face, and it makes me smile. I see him mouthing alongto the songs I sing. It’s thrilling having him watch me. Knowing those big, brown eyes are staring at me as I sing, lights a fire under my ass, making me sing even better, even though it’s only sound check.

“You sound amazing.” He comments as I walk up to him after we wrap up sound check. “Every night you sound amazing.”

“You’ve watched my set before?”

“Most nights I do. I’m a huge fan, after all.” He smiles.

I look around and see Ben sitting with Dennis and two other guys on a couch backstage.

“Introduce me to the rest of your band.” I take a step towards the couches.

Wes follows me over.

“Hey.” He greets them to get their attention. Right on cue, they all look up at him. I stand by his side. “Abbey, this is Aaron and Nicolas.” He points first to a short guy with light brown hair and glasses, then to a medium build guy with brown hair. “Aaron and Nicolas, this is Abbey.”

“We know who she is.” Aaron says. “Nice to finally meet you.”

“And here we thought we were beneath your presence.” Nicolas smirks.

“You aren’t.” I smile softly.

“She is just shy.” Ben speaks up. “But she has a wicked sense of humor. You should’ve seen the cards she played during Cards Against Humanity. Fucking evil, this one.” He laughs and takes a sip of the beer in his hand.

“Is that right?” Aaron asks.