Page 137 of A Dark Melody

“Okay, I guess.” I shrug. “You?”

“I’ve been better.” He gives me a small hug. “You feel so good in my arms.”


“Haley is being a real pain.” He rolls his eyes. “The guys aren’t helping but I guess that’s to be expected. She will be getting a DNA test in a few weeks.”

“How did she end up on your bus?”

“That’s a long story.” He says, sighing. “We spent most of the night talking- well, more like negotiating- but don’t worry- she is catching the next flight back to LA as soon as we get to the venue.”


“Terms and conditions.” He laughs. “Like the DNA test. How if it does turn out to be mine, which again, it won’t, how we’d split custody. How she can’t tell me who to be friends with. That kind of stuff.”

“How did she take it?”

“After the whole Patrick thing, she is a lot more humble. I think she is panicking now. I don’t think she thought I’d ask for a DNA test even though that was always the plan.”


“So, we should probably figure out what to do about us then, huh?”

“I guess.” I shrug.

I’m not entirely ready for this conversation.

“You guess?” He tilts his head to the side, studying me. “Have you given it any thought?”

“Yes.” I say softly, though I barely have.

I spent the rest of the bus ride avoiding thinking about it actually because I didn’t feel like crying again.


“I don’t know Wes. I love you. I’m crazy about you, but I don’t know if I can handle all the drama that will come about if Haley is having your baby.”

“I understand, but what if it isn’t mine?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you want to do until we find out if it’s mine?”

“I don’t know. I guess we keep our distance, wait, and see what happens.”

“Keep our distance?”

“To avoid rumors. To avoid more drama with Haley.”

“Fuck rumors and fuck Haley. I say we don’t keep our distance and see what happens. If, by some small chance, it is mine, we can deal with it then.”

“Won’t that just make it hurt more?”

“It’s going to hurt no matter what. It already hurts.”

“Yeah.” I nod.

“So, let’s just keep going as we were, and we will deal with the baby drama when we find out if it’s mine or not.”