Page 134 of A Dark Melody

“May I join you?” Wes asks me.

“No.” Sue says. “I don’t think so.”

“Yes.” I say firmly.

“No.” Sue repeats firmly again.

“It’s my bus.”

“You’re falling apart.”

“Just for tonight. Please.” I plead.

“Fine. Just until bus call.” She throws up her arms in exasperation.

We climb onto the bus, and Sue gets busy making me a cup of noodles.

“You’ll eat the whole thing. Including the broth.”

“Fine.” Wes takes a seat next to me. He takes a sip from the bottle of vodka before passing it to me. I take a sip as he entwines our fingers. “I’ve missed you.” I rub my thumb over his bruised and cut up knuckles.

“I missed you too. So much. Did you throw up today?” I shake my head. “Lie or honest?”

“I thought I was going to when I saw Patrick, but I didn’t. I promise.”

“Good girl.” He squeezes my hand.

He turns on the TV and puts on a movie. He puts his arm around and Sue hands me my cup of noodles. I eat it as Sue sits at the table. She watches me as I eat it, and Wes plays with the ends of my hair.

We pass the bottle of vodka back and forth between us as we watch the movie. I eat all the noodles and drink the broth. It’s better than a boring sandwich, though I’m sure I will grow sick of it too, after the second dozen cup.

I rest my head against his chest after I finish eating. We don’t talk as we watch the TV. We just snuggle up together in peaceful silence.

“Okay. Time for him to go.” Sue speaks up after checking her phone. “Buses are leaving soon.

“No.” I plead, fighting back tears. I didn’t want him to leave, I didn’t want to go back to reality yet.

“It’s fine. I should probably find Haley before we leave anyways.” He says, kissing the side of my head. “I’ll call you later.” He pulls his arm from around me and gets up. I get up after him, following him to the exit of the bus. “Bye Sue.”

I follow him off the bus. I hear Sue say something, but I don’t care to make out what it is.

Once we are off the bus, he pulls me into a tight hug.

“I’m really sorry about everything Abbey.” He says into the top of my head.

“I know.” I say into his chest.

“I think we can find a way to make this work. I don’t know how exactly, but I know I love you too much to just give up.”

“I love you too. I just need…”

“Some time. I understand.” He cuts me off. “And some sleep. You look exhausted.”

“I am exhausted.”

“Get some sleep.” He says, leaning down and kissing me. His lips move against mine quickly, his tongue invades my mouth for a moment, brushing against mine before he pulls back. “Goodnight Abigail.” He chuckles, releasing me and rubbing his chin.

“Goodnight Wes.”