“So, you two did have a fight?”
“I’ll order you lunch in an hour or so. I’m going to run a few errands. Thank you for telling me you threw up. I’ll be back in a bit.” She opens the door. “Oh, Wes.”
“Hey.” I hear him speak to her, his deep voice carrying easily.
“I didn’t hear you knock.”
“I didn’t.”
“Okay then.” Sue walks past him.
He walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. He slides the deadbolt closed.
“Wes. I’m sorry.” I blurt out.
“Stop apologizing. Please.” He grinds out, making a fist.
I look down and see his knuckles are bleeding.
“Wes.” I say, getting up and walking over to him. I touch his hand, and he flinches a little. “What did you do?”
“Punched a wall a few times.” He grunts through gritted teeth.
“You need to clean it.” I pull him towards the bathroom.
I grab his hand and put it in the sink, turning on the water. He winces as the water makes contact with his knuckles. I let the water run for a moment before turning it off. I grab a washcloth and carefully dab at his knuckles. They have cuts on them andstill bleed a little. I apply pressure to them with the washcloth. He just stares at me.
“Abbey.” His voice is gentle as he touches my hand with his other hand. “I’m so sorry.” I look up at him. “I’m sorry that piece of shit…” He clenches his fist, causing me to drop the washcloth. “And I’m sorry for how I reacted. It was just… hard to hear.”
“You believe me?”
“Of course.” He says, softening. “Did you think I wouldn’t?” I shrug, and he touches my face. “Abbey. I know you would never lie about that. I know you. I trust you.” He presses his head against mine for a moment, looking into my eyes. “I love you.”
I pull back. He didn’t just say he loved me. I’m hearing things. He can’t actually love me. Not after everything. Why would someone so amazing like him love me? That makes no sense.
“Yeah. I know. Terrifying, right?” He laughs. I turn my back to him, trying to process his words. “I love you as a friend.” There is it. “And I’m in love with you.”
I want to ask him why, but I can’t get my mouth to move, terrified I’ll confess that I love him too, but he deserves better. “
I don’t expect you to say it back. I don’t expect you to instantly love me, too, but I’m just tired of not saying it. I think I’ve loved you since that first night.” He goes on.
I turn back to him, facing him and looking into his big brown eyes.
“I love you, Abigail Dark.”
I close the gap between us, pressing my lips against his. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me against him. One hand grips my hip while the other moves to my head, gripping it, holding it still. His lips move against mine with more urgency than ever before. His tongue rubs against my lips, and I part them, inviting his tongue into my mouth.
We stand kissing for a few minutes. His hands now wander up and down my body. My hands wrap around his neck, pulling at his hair softly.
He finally pulls back, pressing his head to mine again.
“I mean it, Abbey.”
I take a step back, looking at him. I want him more than ever before, and I can’t fight it anymore. I can’t, and I don’t want to. I lift my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor.