Page 9 of A Dark Melody

“You’ve been in love?”

“A few times, yes.” He says as he takes a long hit off his cigarette. “I was crazy about Haley, but the relationship was really toxic. Still hurt like hell when she cheated on me with my best friend. I was heartbroken.”

“How long ago?” I ask. He puts out his cigarette and takes a sip from the bottle.

“A year and some months.” He shrugs. “Over it now. Hate them both, but over it.” I reach for the bottle, but he studies me, holding onto it.

“What?” I ask.

“You weigh like 90 pounds. I don’t want you blacking out on me.”

“I’m fine.” I say. I wish I were 90 pounds. I’m closer to 110 right now, and my tiny frame is no longer all bones but with a light layer of meat on it.

“You say that a lot, but I wonder how often it’s true.”

“It is now.” I say. He nods and releases the bottle to me. I take a sip.

“So, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Not currently. Though my manager would like me to have one. Helps the gossip.” I take another sip. He reaches for the bottle. I give it to him, but he doesn’t take a drink. He holds it in his hands.

“I’m sure this does the opposite.” He waves his hand between us.

“But we are just friends.”

“Strictly platonic.” He flashes me a big, friendly smile.

“I could really use a friend.” I say softly.

“Me too.” He says, still smiling. “And at least the idea of you sleeping with one of my girlfriends is a much hotter picture.” I laugh and push him. He barely moves but laughs. “And as your friend, I’m cutting you off.”

“Fine.” I smile, my vision hazy, and I can tell my words are slightly slurred. “Wes?” I ask. “Can I call you Wes?”

“Most people do.” He smiles.


“Yes. Abbey?”

“I should probably warn you.”

“About?” He asks, studying me.

“Being friends with me.”

“What about it?”

“I’m a fucking mess.”

He smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders. He leans into my ear. “Darling, so am I.”

“I bet I’m a bigger mess than you.”

“Maybe so.” He says. “But I’m not afraid.” He turns so our backs are to the party.

I pull out the vial, my hands shaking a little, as I’m clearly fucked up at this point. I do a small spoonful before passing it to him. “Finish it.” I say.

He takes the vial and does two spoonfuls, motioning me closer and holding the spoon out to me. “One more. To take the edge off.” He says. I bend my head down and do it. He takes the last two spoonfuls and hands me the empty vial.