Page 8 of A Dark Melody

“I didn’t?” He raises an eyebrow and takes another sip.

“Can I trust you?”

“I thought it as implied. Yes, you can trust me.” He passes me the bottle again.

I take a sip before handing it back to him.

I glance around to see if anyone is looking our way, but surprisingly, no one is. So, I pull it out and look up at him. He takes a sip from the bottle, eyeing the vial.

I undo the cap and take a tiny spoonful, then another. I put the cap back on and he holds out his hand for it. I drop it into his waiting palm. There isn’t much left, but Sue will eventually get me more.

He studies the vial for a moment. “Coke?” He asks. I nod. He undoes the cap and takes two spoonfuls before passing it back to me. “Thank you. Now, I might not get drunk and do something completely stupid.”

“You might still do something stupid.” I say with a small laugh. He hands me back the bottle.

“Maybe.” He says, watching as I take a sip. “But I doubt you’ll let me.” He stares into my eyes.

His big, caramel eyes stare at me so intensely it makes my stomach flutter.

“Me?” I say softly. “Let you?” I hold out the bottle out for him. He takes it from my hand, his fingers brushing against mine again, sending another wave of flutters to my stomach.

Maybe fucking him wouldn’t be so bad.

“Yeah.” He smiles, taking a long sip from the bottle, while I watch his throat constrict as he swallows it. “We are friends now, right?”

“Are we?”

“Yes. Yes, we are.” He nods and smiles, taking a small sip.

“Fine.” I say with a laugh. It is bold of him to assume we are friends, but I could work with being his friend. “But just friends.”

“Just friends.” He nods. “I need a smoke.” He pushes himself to his feet. “Care to join me?” He asks, holding out his hand for me.

“Sure.” I say, taking his hand. He pulls me to my feet.

Maybe it’s the fact I’m drunk, maybe it’s the coke, or maybe it was just his big brown eyes, but I really do feel like I can trust him. Not to mention, the thought of being friends with him is kind of exciting. It has been a while since I had a good friend.

We walk off the bus, and the cool air outside hits me. I shiver, but it feels nice. I can feel a few eyes on me. They are probably going to say something about me hanging out with Wesley, but that is tomorrow’s problem.

He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and holds it out to me. I shake my head, so he pulls one out for himself and lights it, sliding the pack back into his pocket.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask, reaching for the bottle of Grey Goose. He passes it to me.

“No” He responds as I take a sip. “Last one I had cheated on me with my best friend.”

“I can relate to that.” I take another sip.

“The cheating on me with my best friend?” He smiles and inhales his cigarette.

“Being cheated on with the best friend.” I clarify.

He reaches for the bottle and I pass it to him.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” He takes a sip before handing it back to me.

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever been in love, so it didn’t hurt so bad.” I take another sip. My stomach feels warm, and my eyelids are heavy, my eyesight slightly blurry, as the realization that I’m drunk sets in.

“You’ve never been in love?” I shrug. “How sad.” He says and reaches for the bottle. I release it to him.