Page 30 of A Dark Melody

He slides a drink across the table to me. It’s red with a lime in it. I assume it’s a vodka cranberry, but I’m not dumb enough to try it.

“Where’d your friend run off to?”

“The bar to get us drinks.” I try to peek around the corner to see if I can see Wes. I really want him to come and save me from this random stranger.

“Looks like I beat your friend to it.” He nods to the drink.

“I don’t take drinks from strangers.” I say, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

“Good thing we aren’t strangers now, then, isn’t it?” James’ lips curl up in a cocky smile. “It’s not poisoned, I promise.” He places his hand over his heart like I’m supposed to believe him.

“Hey.” Wes says, coming up the table with two drinks in his hands. “Oh, hey.” He says, looking at James.

“Wesley Whitmore.” James says. “It’s an honor,” Though the way he says it implies it is not an honor at all.

“And you are?” Wes questions, looking from him to me, then back at James.

“James. I’m just here entertaining Abbey.” He smiles a not-so-friendly smile at Wes. “Brought her a drink.”

“So did I.” Wes says and sets a glass in front of me.

It’s red-orange and looks like the sex on the beach I had at the restaurant. He motions for me to scoot over, and I do. He slides in next to me.

“You guys are playing the Hyatt tomorrow night, right?” James asks.

“Yes.” I say as Wes takes a long sip of his drink. I play with the straw in the drink Wes brought me, not making any eye contact with either of them. The tension between them is thick and full of testosterone.

“Bound to be a great show.” James says.

“Listen, James, was it?” Wes says. “I don’t think Abbey here is interested, and I know I’m not, so maybe you should just get back to your night and leave us to ours.”

James laughs. “She called you her friend, buddy.” He smirks at Wes.

“I am her friend, buddy.” Wes says, clearly irritated. “And as her friend, I know she isn’t interested in you and would like it very much if you fucked off.”

“Maybe she should speak for herself.” James challenges.

They both look at me. I keep my eyes on the drink Wes bought me.

“I’m not interested.” I whisper.

“Well, there you have it.”

“Whatever.” James says, snatching the drink he pushed towards me back. “She is a slut anyways.”

“Excuse me?” Wes questions, flinching next to me.

“She is a worthless slut. I’d probably catch some disease from her anyway.” He says, getting up from the table.

Wes’s arm jerks, and he moves to get up. I grab his arm, pulling on it slightly.


“Go fuck yourself.” Wes says, glaring at James but staying by my side.

“Not worth my time.” James says and walks away.

“I should bash his fucking skull in.” Wes says and downs his drink. “Who the fuck, does he think he is?”