A minute later, I hear Sue walking up the bunks. I instinctively pull away from Wes. I don’t need her seeing us touching. She would just assume things. Wes pulls his arm from around my waist just before Sue walks out.
“How was the movie?” She asks.
“Good.” Wes says.
“Fine.” I add.
“Lunchtime.” She says. “Sandwiches?”
“Sure.” Wes says, but he is looking at me.
“Okay.” I say softly.
“What do you want on your sandwich, Wesley?”
“I’ll eat anything you put in front of me.”
“Ham and turkey, okay?
“That’s fine with me.”
“Abbey?” Sue asks, and I’m surprised because she hasn’t asked me how I wanted my sandwich from the first time she made me one.”
“Uh.” I fear this is a test of some sort, and I’m nervous about blowing it. “The same.” I say softly. I should’ve asked for no mustard or just turkey, but I don’t know how that would’ve gone over. I’m sure I would pay for it once Wes left.
“Okay.” She says and starts making sandwiches.
Wes scrolls through other movies to put on, but I can’t stop looking over at Sue making the sandwiches. I can feel him looking over at me every now and then. I must seem crazy, fixated on the sandwiches. I’m sure it will scare him away. It’s one thing to say you have an eating disorder, but another to see it firsthand.
Sue finishes up our sandwiches and holds out two plates for us to take. Wes takes one plate while I’m frozen.
“Thanks.” He says.
I already had toast and coffee this morning and a sandwich last night. I wasn’t looking forward to eating more. I never am, but now, here in front of Wes, I am more nervous for some reason. Would he judge me for how long it takes me to eat? Would he find me more insane and want nothing more to do with me? Would I lose out on my first friend in months?
“Abbey.” Sue says. Her voice is full of warning, and her eyes stern.
Wes grabs the second plate from her and sets it in my lap.
“She is fine.” He says and picks up his sandwich, taking a bite. “This is a good sandwich, Sue.”
Sue sits at the table, her eyes never leaving me. I can feel them burning into me, but I can’t take my eyes off the sandwich in my lap.
“Try a bite.” Wes says softly and nudges me with his shoulder. “One bite.”
I pick up the sandwich. My stomach is doing flips, and my heart is racing.
“Abbey.” Sue says again.
I see Wes’s head turn toward Sue out of the corner of my eye.
“She is going to eat it.” He says to her. “She is just taking her time. Isn’t that right, Abbey?”
I simply nod my head and lift the sandwich closer to my mouth.