Page 185 of A Dark Melody

“And I love you, Abigail Dark.” He smiles.


It’s beena few weeks since we wrapped up the tour. Another band,Tuesday’s Blue, took over opening for us sinceKey Failuresis kind of no longer a band since Liam got arrested.

Skylar came to the last show to apologize. I accept it, mainly because it isn’t his fault. He had no idea Liam drugged me. At least, I assumed he didn’t. He doesn’t seem like the type to let his best friend drug me.

Wes took a plea deal for his assault charge to avoid a trial. He will be on light probation for the next six months. He can’t tour during it, having to stay in one city and all, but he plans on making a new album in that time frame so he can come back with a vengeance. He picks LA to be on probation at, since that’s where we both live.

I had my lawyer offer Liam a deal, which Sue and Wes weren’t happy with, but I would rather just be done with the whole thing. He will be getting a year of probation and must register as a sex offender for three years. It’s nothing compared to what he could’ve gotten if we went to trial, so he takes it with little complaint.

Luckily, most people are on our side. They think Wes should get a trophy for beating Liam up instead of probation. Mostpeople see him as my hero, which I couldn’t agree more with. He saved me in more ways than one.

Of course, there are a few who think I’m lying about the whole thing. They think Wes flew into a jealous rage when he saw me with Liam, but of course, we have facts to back us up, like my blood test and Ben’s statement to the police.

We found out that Wes is not the father of Haley’s baby and couldn’t be happier about it. Turns out Patrick is the father. And if you ask me, they deserve each other. I honestly wish them nothing but the best, far away from us.

I’ve gained the five pounds and I am now waiting the three months to get my complete freedom back. Sue has become a little more lenient, though. She lets me pick out my own food and doesn’t watch me pee or change anymore. She even lets me stay at Wes’s most nights.

I get weighed every few days to make sure I stay at 120. I’ve actually been bouncing around 120 and 125. I try not to think about it. Wes seems to like my body just fine the way it is, so I try not to be too upset by the number on the scale.

I still hate eating. I find it easier with Wes around, though. He makes a game out of it. He offers me small prizes sometimes, other times he just distracts me with conversation. I don’t know if I will ever get used to the feeling of a full stomach, but if it means I get to be full of him, I guess I can do it.

I’ve ditched the coke for the time being since Wes can’t do any drugs. Also, I find I don’t need a pick-me-up anymore. I have Wes’s cock now.

I still use Xanax sometimes, especially on nights that I don’t spend at Wes’s. I don’t take it the night I am with him, though. I find he keeps the nightmares away, mostly by giving me countless orgasms before bed, so I’m too exhausted to have any.

I still have panic attacks sometimes. It was really bad for the last two shows of the tour. I felt like everyone was judgingme and not believing me about the whole Liam thing. Wes is there for me every time, though. Whether it’s on the phone or in person, he takes care of me when I’m freaking out, helping me focus on breathing.

We write a few songs together and show them to the record label. They picked out two they liked the most and gave us the green light to record them. One will go on my new album, and the other will go on his. We start recording in a few weeks. Wes starts recording first. Then I go in a few weeks after.

We scrapped the sad songs and went for much happier-sounding songs instead. His song is more sexy, while mine is kind of dark but charming. He says it’s fitting for my record because it’s just like me. So, I guess that means I’m dark but charming. I’ll take it.

We fuck a lot. Wes seems to rather enjoy pushing me to new limits when it comes to the amount of orgasms I can have in one go. He begs to go down on me often as he can, claiming he is making up for lost time, but I think he just likes to make me cum. I suck his cock too, but not nearly as much as I’d like. He prefers to fuck me.

I’m really trying to be better, and it isn’t always easy, but I know it’s worth it, to keep him.

We are happy. I am happier than I’ve ever been. Life is good.

We are going out to celebrate our three-month anniversary at some fancy restaurant tonight.

“Ready?” Wes asks, peeking his head in the doorway. He is wearing black slacks with a dark red shirt and black blazer.


“You look stunning.” He eyes my body up and down. I’m wearing a dark red dress with a slit in it revealing part of my thigh and black heeled boots. My makeup is done, as usual, smokey with red lipstick. My hair has a slight curl to it, with my bangs straightened.

“Yeah? Maybe we should stay in?”

“No. Let’s go out and paint the town. Then we can come home, and I can rip that dress off you and do naughty things to you.” He winks.

I grab my purse. “Fine.” I smile.

We stand in front of the mirror he has in his entranceway. We match for the most part. We look the part of a glamorous rock couple.

“We look great together.”

“We are great together. Come on, the car is waiting.”