Page 180 of A Dark Melody

“Mercy.” I relay into the phone.

“I’ll be right there. Text me the room number.”


“I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay.” I reply, my voice shaking as tears still fall down my face. He hangs up the phone. “What room am I in?” I ask Sue.

“304. But they won’t let him up. You’re under Jane Doe, and no visitors.”


“But, I will get him when he gets here.”

“Tell me when you’re here, and Sue will get you.” I text him.

I lay back, wiping at my eyes as more tears fall from my eyes.

“I should probably go get a doctor and let them know you’re awake.”

I try to pull myself together, but I feel awful. Everything hurts. My head throbs. Wes has been arrested because of me. I didn’t want him to be in legal trouble over me. I’m not worth the trouble.

I can’t even deal with the fact I was almost raped yet again. I never even thought of Liam in that light. I didn’t think he was that kind of guy. He seemed so harmless. I can’t believe he put drugs in my drink. That just came out of nowhere.

I skim my phone for messages from Skylar. He has sent about twenty different text messages, all apologizing and asking if I was okay. I know I should reply, but I just don’t have it in me right now. I just want to see Wes. I want to make sure he is okay.

Sue comes back with a nurse and doctor in tow. They check my vitals and ask me a bunch of questions about how I’m feeling, what hurts, and what’s the last thing I remember.

They order some blood tests, and another nurse comes and takes the blood a few minutes later. I wonder if it’s because I’m a big-time rockstar that I’m getting such speedy care.

I wince when they take the blood. I’m not a fan of needles, and I desperately want the IV out of my arm, but they tell me they want me to have more fluids to help drain out the roofies.

They also ordered me pain meds since I’m in a bit of pain, which I’m not complaining about. I could use some drugs to ease some of my soreness.

Last thing they say is that the police should be by soon to take a statement.

My phone goes off a few minutes after the last nurse leaves. It’s Wes, letting me know he is here.

“Wes is here.”

“I’ll go get him.” She says, getting up.

I wait until she leaves to get up and walk to the bathroom. It’s annoying to have to drag the IV with me, but I really need to pee. I pee, wash my hands, and splash my face with some water. I look decent enough for someone who was drugged and almost raped. I touch my head and wince at a bump that has formed on the left side of my head. I look down at my legs and see my knees are cut up and bruised. My left arm has a giant bruise on it, too. My jaw hurts too so I lift my neck up a little and see a fingerprint size bruise, from where Liam was gripping my face.

My hair is a mess and I try to comb it with my fingers but give up after touching the bump and feeling the pain. I’m still waiting on the pain meds.

I make my way back to the main room and start trying to crawl back into the bed when Wes and Sue walk in.

“Hey.” He looks fine, just tired, but still, he just got out of jail.

“Abbey.” He whispers, coming over to me. He puts his arms around me and hugs me. I rest my head against him for a moment, before wincing. “How are you?” He asks, pulling back.

“How are you?” I ask instead.

“I’m okay, worried about you.” He gently rubs my arm, helping me back into the bed.

“You were in jail.”