Page 178 of A Dark Melody

“Help!” I yell and try to shove Liam away, but he grips me, covering my mouth again. He grips my jaw so I can’t move my mouth.

“Hey.” Someone says. I know that voice, but I can’t make it out. Everything is starting to go dark. “What the… Oh fuck.”

It happens fast. I feel myself hit the ground before I can stop myself.

“You fucking fuck.” I hear a voice I’d know anywhere. Wes.

“Wes.” Someone says. I think it’s Ben, but my eyes won’t open. “Wes!” He yells again.

I hear grunting, slamming and yelling but everything is starting to drift far away. I curl up in a ball letting the darkness come over me.


I wakeup to bright eyes blinding my eyes and a sterile smell. I blink, and my eyes adjust to the bright lights. I look around, taking in my surroundings. I’m in a hospital. I jerk my arm and it pulls on something. I glance down and there is an IV in my arm.

I feel groggy and cold. I look down and see I’m only wearing a hospital gown.

I try to think back to what happened last, but my memory is hazy. I’ve felt like this before, but I can’t remember why that was. My body aches.

“You’re awake.” Sue speaks, her face coming into focus.

“What happened?”

“Liam roofied you, and almost raped you. You don’t remember?”

Pieces start to come back to me. Liam’s hand over my mouth. His bulge pressed against me. Wes’s voice.

“Where is Wes?”

“He is probably still sitting in a jail cell for assault. Though I’m sure he will be bailed out in no time.”


“He beat the ever-living shit out of Liam.” She laughs a little. “Broke his nose, among other things.”

“And Liam?”

“Liam is handcuffed to a hospital bed. Lucky he isn’t dead. Wes really did a number on him. He is lucky Ben was there to stop him.”

So, it was Ben.

“How long was I out?”

“A few hours. He gave you two roofies. I’m surprised you’re alive.”


“I’m assuming the first one didn’t kick in fast enough for his liking, so he slipped you another one. Well, that’s what the doctors think.”

“My head hurts.”

“They said it might. Some mild short-term memory loss, but nothing too serious.”

“I was trying to get back to the bus. I told him no.” My voice breaks.

“And you screamed for help. Ben and Wes told the cops everything.”

“Where are my clothes?” I wanted to be back in Wes’s hoodie. I want the scent of him.