Page 172 of A Dark Melody


“Okay, you won’t do it, or okay you’ll keep me informed?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “I should go see Skylar.”

“Just be smart Abbey.” Sue remarks as I pull out my phone.

“Are you free?” I text Skylar.

“Yes.” He replies.

I knock on Skylar’s bus door, and Liam swings open the door.

“Abbey. Nice to see you. Come aboard.” He holds out his hand to help me up. “Skylar!” He calls out.

I take a sit on the bench by the door as Skylar comes walking down from the bunks.

“Hey.” He lights up when he sees me.

“I need a drink.”

Skylar nods.

He walks to a cupboard and pulls out a bottle of vodka. He pours some into a glass.

“Cranberry or orange?” he asks.

“Either, neither, whatever.” I shrug.

He adds a dash of cranberry to it and holds it out to me. I take it, and he quickly grabs my arm, looking at the bruise.

“Ah shit. I’m sorry, Abbey.” He mentions, rubbing over it with his thumb. I wince. “I should’ve been more careful.” I shrug, but kind of feel like crying. I down my drink. “Come on.”

He leads me down to his bunk. I sit on his bunk, and he pulls out his black bag of drugs. He pulls out a baggy of coke, a straw and a compact mirror. He pours some coke out on the mirror and pulls out a card from his wallet, forming two lines.

“You look like you could use a pick-me-up." He comments, holding the mirror to me. I take it. “The first time is rough. You probably feel low.” I nod as he passes me the straw. I do a line. “Both.” He commands, and I do the second line, handing him back the mirror. He pours some more out and does two lines himself. “Better?”

“A bit.” He puts the mirror and straw away, slipping the baggy of coke back in the bag, too.

“I’m really sorry about your arm. I’ve only ever done it on myself. I’ll be gentler next time.” He speaks, so certain I would do it again and I fear he might not be wrong.

“You have more?”

“A little but I’m meeting up with one of Greg’s guys later tonight. You can’t do it two days in a row. It’s best to leave a few days between. I’ll get some ecstasy though. A good upper and you’ll feel as good as new.” He smiles.


He runs his hand down my arm, taking my hand in his.

“I like you, Abbey.”

“I know.” I stare just off to the side, avoiding making eye contact with him.

“Do you like me?”

“As a friend.”

“Just a friend?”