Page 163 of A Dark Melody

“No. She is on fucking heroin.” He drops me on the bench, “Skylar shot her full of fucking heroin. Skylar, who the label so desperately wants her to be with, is going to turn her into a fucking junkie.”

“You fucked another girl.”

“Yes!” He yells. “Okay? Yes, I fucking did, and I hated every second of it because it wasn’t you. Is this what you want, Abbey? To be a miserable junkie?”

“Was the needle clean?” Sue asks. Coming over to me, she grabs my arm and flips it over. “Oh, Jesus.”

“Fresh.” I say slowly, enjoying the way it feels leaving my mouth. “Clean.”

“I’m still scheduling you a test for HIV. Who all saw you do it?” I just shake my head and laugh. “Just Skylar.” I nod. “But the mark. Jesus Abbey.”

“I’m going to fucking kill him. Heroin, Abbey? Really?”

“Wes. Maybe you should go. And I’d kindly like to remind you that you signed an NDA.”

“You think I’d sell her out?” Wes snaps. “All I want to do is protect her. I fucking love her.”

“Wes.” His name feels heavy on my tongue. I smile and rub my tongue over my teeth. It feels funny, and I giggle.

“You should go.” Sue commands him to leave as if his presence were nothing more than an annoyance.

“No, I’m not leaving her. I’m staying with her to make sure she doesn’t fucking die and then to remind for every awful second of her awful come down how fucking stupid she is for shooting up fucking heroin.”

“Fine, I have a few calls to make.”


“Fine.” I go to stand and laugh. My legs are like jello again. I wobble, and Wes steadies me. He drags me down to my bunk. He sits me down on it and bends to take off my shoes.

“He’s just been pumping you full of drugs. Like I haven’t noticed you’ve rolled three times, and now this?” He shakes his head. “Abbey.”

I pull off my shirt and get stuck in it. My arms aren’t moving right. He helps me pull it off, and I go to stand. He steadies me. I struggle to unzip my skirt, and he helps me. I push down my tights and reach to undo my bra. I lay back on the bed.

It feels so fucking good. I feel so fucking good.

He sits next to me. I want him to touch me. I want him to kiss me. I want to know what that would feel like.

“Fuck Abbey.” His voice sounds odd, choked. He puts his head in his hands. I think he is crying. I want to comfort him, but I can’t stand the thought of moving from this very comfortable position I am in.

I drift off to sleep.

I wake up under a blanket. My body feels like it's made of brick, my head is cloudy, and my mouth is dry as a bone.

I realize I’m in only my panties and vaguely remember stripping down to just them last night, but I don’t remember getting under the blanket.

I move to lift it up and wince. My arm hurts, and I look down to see a bruise on it. My knees ache, and I vaguely remember falling last night.

I sit up and see Wes is asleep above the blanket next to me.

I slowly get up and crawl over him carefully.

“Abbey? What time is it?”

“I don’t know.” I mumble. My mouth is dry as hell, and I think my limbs are made out of lead now. I no longer feel like I’m floating. I now feel weighed down.

“Where are you going?”

“Water.” I reply and reach into a drawer to pull out a shirt. I pull it on.