Page 162 of A Dark Melody


I keep my eyes closed as the warmth spreads over my body. It’s intense.

He laughs. “Yeah.”

I look at him as he uses the other needle to inject himself. He leans back when it’s done, just breathing heavily for a moment, before sitting up and putting away the needles and spoon.

I pull out my vial, and he shakes his head at me.

“Not your first time, trust me.”

I nod and slide it back into my pocket.

We slowly make our way off the bus, where another small party is going on. We wander around slowly. I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience. I feel lighter than air. I blink, and it feels like it takes all the time in the world for me to open my eyes back up. My brain is in the clouds. I feel so far away from everything.

A few people talk to us. Everyone’s voice sounds like echoes in my brain. I can’t keep up with conversations. I can barely walk, and Skylar puts his arm around my waist to keep me steady.

“Let’s sit.” He motions to some chairs that are out. We slowly walk over and sit in them. “Good?” He asks. I nod and laugh at the feeling. “Good.” He says and holds my hand in his. His eyesare now half closed, and I’m sure he is going to nod off soon. I wonder if I will, too.

I see Wes and the girl exit his bus. He has his arm around her shoulder. I know it hurts, but it all feels so far away.

I decide I need to walk again. I need to get to my bus before I nod off. I want to curl up in a ball and just enjoy the feeling.

I drop Skylar’s arm and get up. I almost fall over because my legs feel like jello.

“Hey. Wait. Where are you going?” He laughs.

“Walk.” Is all I can manage to get out. My voice feels like it’s coming from miles away.

“Okay. Just give me a minute. Shit.” He mutters. I take a step away from him.

I leave him sitting there and start for my bus. It is on the other side of the venue, and I hope I can make it there without falling over. I walk slowly, trying to stay steady. I just want to lie down and close my eyes.

“Hey.” I hear Wes’s voice, but it feels like it’s far away. I turn my head too fast in his direction and almost fall over. “Woah.” He calls out, steadying me. “You okay there?” I nod and laugh again. It feels so weird to nod, so I do it again. “Jesus, Abbey.” He grabs my arm. His touch feels strange. “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is?” He grabs my shoulder and looks into my eyes. I want to know what it would feel like to kiss him, but he speaks before I can press my lips against his. “Abbey. Fucking hell.”

“Bus.” I mumble.



“I’m going to fucking kill him.”


“Yeah.” He agrees and heads towards my bus.

“You fucked another girl.” I accuse him, laughing because my voice sounds so far away.

“Yeah.” Is all he says to that.

He knocks on my bus door when we get there, removing his hand from my waist.

I don’t comprehend that I hit the ground until I realize he is suddenly much taller than me and put the pieces together.

“Jesus. Abbey. Fuck.” He scoops me back up, pulling me to my feet again as the door opens.

“Abbey?” Sue asks. “Is she okay?”