Page 15 of A Dark Melody

I regret the exclamation point the minute I send it. I don’t want to come across as desperate. But I’m so desperate for a friend, it is pathetic.

A few minutes go by before there is a knock on the bus door. I jump to get it as Sue pulls out a packet from her bag.

“Hello.” He says, his lips turning up into a smile as I open the door. He has on a band tee and black jeans. There is a backpack over his shoulder.

“Hi.” I say and move out of the way so he can climb the three steps onto the bus.

“Nice bus.” He says, having a look around.

It was a nice bus. Since my backup band had its own bus, it had a much bigger living area and less bunk space. There was a nice comfortable couch in front of a rather larger TV above the kitchen table area. The kitchen table had a booth that wrapped around it. The little kitchenette had a small stovetop and over, a sink, and a small counter space with a toaster and coffee pot on it.

“Thank you.”

“How are you?” He asks as I plop down on the couch. Dropping his backpack on the floor by the couch.

“Don’t answer that” Sue says. “Wesley Whitmore. Please have a seat.” She motions to the space across from the table she sits at.

“Okay?” He says questioningly, but he doesn’t sit down. He just stands by the table now, looking at me and then at Sue.

“Have you ever signed an NDA before?”

I roll my eyes. This part is always a little embarrassing.

“Yes. A few. Would you like me to sign one?”

“Yes.” She says and turns the packet of paper she pulled out towards him. “You can’t say anything about anything that happens on this bus. You can’t relay anything Abbey says or does to anyone or any tabloids.”

He shoots me a look that screams duh, and I shrug.

“It’s a formality. We have all of Abbey’s friends sign one.” She goes on. “And we are currently in three different lawsuits with people who voided their NDAs, so trust me when I say, you spillany tea, we will find out and sue you to high hell.” She adds for good measure. “You either sign it or exit the bus now.”

He studies me for a moment. I feel small under his gaze. I feel dumb and entitled. I feel like grabbing the package and ripping it up. It is a stupid idea. He wouldn’t sell any of my secrets. I just had a feeling he was an honorable, trustworthy guy. But what if it was all an act? I bite my lip.

“Okay.” He says and bends over and signs each spot Sue points to. She flips through the pages.

“Do you want to read it?” I ask.

“No, I think I get the gist of what it’s about.” He says.

“Do you have an NDA you need her to sign?” Sue asks.

“No, I think I will just trust her on faith alone.” He says with a smile. He turns to me now. “Anyways. How are you doing today, Abbey?”

“Just peachy.” I say sarcastically. “If that peach is bruised and rotting.”

He laughs at that. “Three different lawsuits.”

“Yeah.” I shrug. We are currently in a lawsuit with Megan for leaking the photo of my throwing up, an ex of mine from two years ago who just recently tried to claim I got an abortion when I hadn’t, and a doctor who leaked my weight to the press. “And those are just the ongoing ones. Most people settle. We have good lawyers.”

“Well, the label likes to protect their big stars.”

“You seem to be one of their other big stars.”

“Not as big as you, obviously, but I do well enough.” He shrugs and takes a sit next to me. “So, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t had anyone to hang out with for a while. What are all the cool kids doing these days?”

“Making viral videos of them doing dumb shit, but something tells me your manager would frown upon that.”