Page 131 of A Dark Melody

“You fucked one.” Wes replies through gritted teeth.

“I’ve been with Abbey, too.” Patrick says. “She didn’t mention that?”

Wes punches him square in the face.

Patrick pushes him, and Ben grabs Patrick, shoving him off of Wes.

“What the fuck!” Patrick screeches, holding his nose. “Jesus.”

“Don’t even say her name.” Wes yells.

“Jesus.” Patrick spits out blood.

“You know what you did.”

Wes turns and starts to walk towards me. I want nothing more than for him to come and put his arms around me, to take me away from all this, but instead, I turn and walk to my dressing room.

I collapse on the floor the minute I shut the door, hyperventilating.

How am I going to play tonight? How am I going to do any of this?

I’m on my knees, struggling to breathe, when I hear the door open. I can’t even look up to see who it is.

“Abbey.” His voice fills the room. “Hey.” He touches me, and I jerk away out of instinct. “You’re okay. It’s just me.” He says, putting his hand on my shoulders. He squeezes them slightly. “Breathe.” He says slowly. “In.” He pauses. “Out.”

“Wes.” I choke out between ragged breaths.

“I know. Just breathe. Focus on my squeezes.” He squeezes my shoulder, “In.” He releases. “Out.” He repeats it. “Just follow along. Push everything else out of your mind. It’s just you and me.”

It takes a few minutes, but I get my breathing under control.

“I can’t do this.”

“Yes. You can. You are stronger than you think.” He holds out his hand, I take it, and he pulls me to my feet. “You got this.” He comforts, wiping a tear off my cheek. “You can do anything.”

I see dry blood on his knuckle and go to touch it gently.


“I cut open a cut from yesterday. No biggie. But you have to get ready. You have a show to play and any minute Sue is going to come through that door and kill us both.”

I manage a small chuckle and look in the mirror.

My face is an absolute mess. There is no way to hide the fact I’ve been crying, but I still try. I come out looking half-decent. Luckily, I haven’t been sobbing like yesterday, so my eyes are far less red.

Sue comes marching into the room as I reapply a layer of lipstick.

“Abbey. Damn it. Fuck. No encore.” She points at me. “And you.” She turns to Wes. “I think you’ve done enough damage. Time to leave her alone. Go.” She points to the door.

Wes looks at me through the mirror. I want to say a thousand things. I want to tell him thank you, but no words leave my mouth.


“Abbey.” Wes starts. “I’m sorry.”

I nod, and he turns and walks away.

“Abbey, you’ve been a mess for two days in a row. People are going to talk.”