Page 127 of A Dark Melody

“Not a chance. You threw up twice yesterday.”


My phone buzzes, and I check it. It’s Wes calling. I toss my phone aside. I do not want to talk to him right now. I already cried my eyes out last night, and I don’t feel like crying anymore right now.

“I paid for the night, so we don’t have to check out until bus call tomorrow morning.”

“Can we just go back to the bus now?” I don’t want to spend a second longer in this room, where just yesterday, I had my first orgasm from the man I love, the man I now have to let go.

“You don’t want to spend another night in a real bed?”

“No. I really don’t.”

“Fine.” She says. “I’ll go pack up my room. Can I trust you to not throw up?”

“Yes.” I say.

I pack up my room in ten minutes and walk out into the hall to knock on Sue’s door.


“I thought I might as well wait in here, so you don’t doubt me.” I shrug. She sighs but lets me in.

I watch her pack up her things.

We are back on the bus. I hang out on the bus waiting for sound check. Sue ordered us some Chinese food and made me a plate. I eat it all while she watches me.

Wes texts me a few more times. I don’t bother reading them. He calls again. I don’t answer. It is easier to just ignore him than to have to have the conversation I know we need to have.

It’s better just to ghost him, cut ties, and get the pain over and done with.

Though I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over the pain of losing him. How am I supposed to get over the first guy who was ever nice to me? How do I move on from the first guy who ever made me orgasm? How am I going to get over the first man I loved? How do I just get over all that?

I checked online and saw that Haley's pregnancy with Wes’s kid is already all over the internet. She surely leaked it. She wants people to know, she wants to get back with him, and she wants me out of the picture.

“I’m going to run to the store during your sound check to pick up some alternatives to sandwiches. Is there anything in particular you want?”

“Anything but the same old sandwiches.” I shrug.

“Okay. Need to pee before soundcheck?”

I shrug but go to the bathroom anyways.

I walk out, and she locks the door.

“Abbey, I know you’re going through it right now, but I appreciate you still eating without a fuss.”

I just shrug and walk to the door. “I’m late for sound check.”

I meant to be late. I was stalling so I would have less chance of running into Wes. Now, I have to rush to the stage. There is no time to stop and talk.

I walk slowly to the stage. I’m kind of surprised Wes isn’t waiting by the venue entrance for me. Maybe he got the hint.

I walk into the backstage of the venue, and sure enough, there is Wes, leaning against the wall.

“Hey.” He speaks to me, but I don’t stop walking straight for the stage. He follows me. “Abbey.”

“I’m late for sound check. How’s the hangover?”