Page 126 of A Dark Melody


“I can’t keep it down. I’m too upset.”

“Eat anyway. It’s just a burger and fries.”

I sigh and get up. I sit at the table, and she puts the plate with the burger and fries in front of me. “Can I at least have a Xanax?”

“After you eat.”

It takes me thirty minutes to get through both the burger and all the fries. Sue walks out of the room once I’m finished but comes back a moment later.

“Here.” She offers her hand to me, holding out a Xanax. “I’m staying in here tonight.”


I figure my freedom is over. She will go back to watching me like a hawk, back to watching me pee and change. Whatever little freedom she had been giving is all gone now. I threw up twice today. It’s been a long day.

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I pee with the door open, then wash my hands. I fill the sink up with cold water and dunk my face in it. I hold it there until I can’t hold my breath any longer. I repeat this three more times, before finally drying off my face.

I wash my face and change into shorts and a tank top before crawling into bed. It’s been a really long day, and I’m exhausted.

I bury my head in the pillow and let the tears spill from my eyes until I pass out.

I wake up groggy and rub my eyes. I glance around the room, my vision still adjusting to the sunlight shining in from the balcony. I push a stand of my black hair from my face and rub my eyes again, before glancing around for Sue. She is not in the room, and my head snaps to the bathroom, but the door is wide open. Clearly, she left me to sleep in.

I check the time and saw it was almost noon. This is the longest I’ve slept in a while. I guess yesterday's events really did a number on my body. Maybe my body is no longer used to throwing up.

I get up and see a tray of food and some coffee sitting on the table. I pour myself a cup of coffee and take a sip before picking up the muffin and taking a bite. A muffin was different, but I’d take it. I will eat anything she puts in front of me so I can gain those five and something pounds.

I head to the bathroom and pee, leaving the door open in case Sue happens to come in. I shower and, change and finish the rest of the muffin and coffee, all without Sue coming back into the room.

I’m a little disappointed. Will she trust that I didn’t throw it up? Where is she that I couldn’t impress her with my eating without a fuss?

I check my phone and see about a dozen text messages. Mostly random people. But a few from Wes. I don’t feel like looking at those yet. I delete the rest and toss my phone on the charger.

Sue walks into the room then with another tray of food. I’d normally complain, but I have a goal now. I will get my freedom back and then to wilt away again. I have no reason to stay stable now. I lost my only inspiration to get better.

“Eggs and toast. Did you eat the muffin?”

“Yes. And kept it down.”

She watches me as I eat every bite of my eggs and toast. I even drink another cup of coffee with it.

“I know you said Wes and you are over, but we still got a contract deal for you two to do a song together.”

“Not happening.”

“It will be good press, Abbey. You haven’t done a duet or any feature. This will be good for business.”

“I can’t do a song with him. Please don’t make me.”

“The label loves the idea of you two doing a song together. They already drew up the contract. It’s kind of out of my handsnow.” She shrugs. “But we can put it off for a little. Until after the tour ends.”

I sigh and move to the couch. I put my knees to my chest.

“Are you going to wallow all day?” Sue asks.

“Yes. Any chance I can do it alone?”