Page 124 of A Dark Melody

Wes stops walking, and Ben and Nicolas both almost fall over. “It’s not.” Wes is so fucked up, his voice shaking. “I’m so sorry.” He begins to cry.

“We are so close.” Nicolas speaks up, clearly just trying to be done with the whole thing. Not that I can blame him. This whole thing is taking awkward to a level I didn’t know existed before now.

Wes puts his head in his hands and cries. It breaks my heart to see him hurting like this. I fight back my own tears.

“So, care to tell us what the fuck is going on?” Ben asks.

“Not my secret to tell.” I shrug. I touch Wes’s arm. “Come on, we can talk on the bus.”

Wes looks up at me, wiping at his eyes. He nods and takes a step toward his bus but almost stumbles over. Ben grabs his arm, steadying him.

“I got you, buddy.”

Ben puts his arm around his shoulder again. Nicolas takes the other side, and we slowly make our way to their bus. Theydrag him up the steps of the bus and down to his bunk while I follow behind. They dump him in his bunk and walk past me.

Ben stops and touches my shoulder. “Thank you, Abbey.”

Wes lays slumped on his side in his bunk. His eyes are closed as he cries.

“Abbey. Please.” He reaches out for me. I sit on the edge of his bunk. He sits up and fumbles in his pocket for his vial of coke. He pulls it out and does two bumps.


“We can still be together.” He slurs. “Please.” His hand touches my face, stroking my cheek. I rub against it for a moment, lost in the feeling of him.

“Haley wouldn’t allow that. She’d withhold your child from you to break us up.” I push some of his dark curls out of his face. “And you want to be a part of your child’s life. You should be.” I rub his forehead like he rubbed mine before. “Plus, I’d just be a distraction. You can’t take care of me, a baby, and a baby mama.”

“I can, too. Fuck Haley.”

“Wes. You already did.” It comes out harsher than I mean for it to. He lets out a small sob, the words hitting their mark a little harsher than I had intended.

“I wish I could take it back.”

“Me too.” I whisper. “But it’s okay. It will be okay. You’re going to be a father, and you’re going to be great.”

He turns and buries his head in his pillow for a moment, crying. I run my fingers through his hair. He turns his head to face me. “I don’t want to be a father to her kid.”

“Should’ve worn a condom.” I tease gently, trying to make light of the situation.

“I didn’t wear one with you either.”

“I’m on birth control.”

“She was too.”

“How do you know it’s true?”

“She showed me an ultrasound.” He answers, lifting his head from the pillow.

“And you’re sure it’s yours?”

“No. Not at all. But what kind of dick would I be if I said it wasn’t, and it turned out to be mine? Of course, my manager is going to ask for a DNA test, but I can’t just deny it until I know. If it’s mine, I don’t want it to come out that I denied it.” He pauses. “Does that make sense?”

I nod and go back to rubbing his head. It is kind of relaxing.

“That feels nice.”

“I have to go soon, Wes.”