My phone goes off again, and it’s him again. I sit up and answer it.
“Hey Abbey.” Much to my surprise, it’s Ben on the other end of the line. “Wes is a fucking mess and won’t stop asking for you. He is stumbling around looking for you. Is there any way you could come and try to help us get him back to the bus?”
I clear my throat. “Where are you?”
“Outside your bus. Where are you?”
“On my bus.”
“Want to come on out? Please?” Ben is practically begging, so I know it must be bad. I stay silent. I don’t know if I can see Wes right now. I’m a mess. He is a mess. We are a mess. “Pretty please?”
“Abbey.” I hear Wes slur in the background.
“I need a minute.”
“Thank you.”
I hang up and grab a tissue, dapping at my eyes. I’m sure they are red and puffy. I blow my nose and sigh. I just want to get this over with.
I walk off my bus to Wes, sitting on the ground. His head is hanging down. Ben and Nicolas stand on either side of him.
“Abbey. Thank you again.” Wes looks up at the mention of my name.
“Abbey.” He slurs my name again. “I’m so sorry.”
He is so drunk, slumped over. His breath smells like liquor. It’s practically dripping from his pores now. He looks like he’s been crying, too, as his eyes are probably redder than mine.
“You found her, Wes. Now, let’s go back to the bus, okay?”
Wes goes to stand up but stumbles, almost falling over. Nicolas steadies him.
“Jesus, dude. I haven’t seen him this fucked in a while.”
“Abbey.” Wes cries, taking a step towards me but stumbling a little. “I’m so sorry.” He repeats himself.
“Is that like the only thing he can say?” Nicolas asks, frustration dripping from his voice.
“Chill. They are having a thing.” Ben says, admonishing their friend.
“Let’s get you back to your bus.” I say, closing the gap between us.
I put his arm around my shoulders, and he leans against me. He is heavier than I remember, though I’m sure it’s because heis drunk and not holding up his weight. I start to go down a little, and Ben quickly takes his other arm, taking the brunt of his weight off me.
“Abbey.” He slurs.
“We know. You’re sorry.” Nicolas says. “Did he fuck Haley?”
“Just shut up and help us get him back to the bus.” Ben snaps.
“Fine.” He moves Wes’s arm from around me, putting Wes’s arm around him instead. “Let’s go. Walk with us, Abbey.”
I nod and follow to the side of them as they drag Wes towards their bus.
“Abbey. You have to forgive me.” Wes slurs, looking at me. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know. It’s okay.” I soothe.