Page 114 of A Dark Melody

“Hi.” I add, watching Wes pour alcohol into a cup.

“Wes, honey, can we talk?” She asks.

I’m not prepared for the jealousy that boils up in my stomach when she calls him honey. He isn’t her’s anymore. She has no right to call him that. He is mine now.

“What do we need to talk about?” He asks as I take a sip of my drink. I suddenly feel very small, and for once, I don’t like it. She is outshining me without even trying.

“Stuff.” She chuckles, folding her arms over her budding chest. We just really need to talk.” She suddenly sounds serious.

I’m trying to keep my anger and jealousy in check, but it’s hard. She looks so beautiful, wearing tight jeans and a crop top that hugs against her tits nicely. She is gorgeous compared tome. I don’t like the idea of her off somewhere alone with Wes, but I can’t really say that right now.

“I don’t think we do.”

“Wes please.”

I’m trying not to stare at her, so I look at Wes, who takes a drink from his cup.

“It’s important.”

I feel Haley’s eyes flicker to me and look over at her. She stares at me with causal annoyance, like I’m some unimportant person just in her way. It makes me feel smaller.

“I have a show to play.” Wes feigns indifference, shrugging.


“No, Haley. I said no.” His dark, harsh tone makes me jump a little. I’ve never heard him take that tone. He puts his arm around my shoulder. “Come on, Abbey.”

We walk to my dressing room, and he opens the door, guiding me into it. He downs the rest of his drink as I sit on the edge of the couch, taking a sip of my drink.

“She has some nerve. What could she possibly want to talk to me about?” He pulls out his vial and does a bump. “She always comes around and begs for my attention. Like, does she not realize she fucked my best friend? She destroyed an almost two-decade relationship.”

I take a small sip of my drink. I’m trying to convince myself his rambling is out of anger, not that he still has feelings for her. But it’s hard. He seems so emotional about her right now.

“Well, I mean, it obviously wasn’t the best friendship. He had his fair share of secrets, apparently. He is an asshole for many reasons.” He does another bump. “I will not talk to her.” He says, looking at me for the first time since we got into the room. “I will not be alone with that woman.”

“Why not?” I ask before I can think it through. Why is he so scared of being alone with her? Was it because he still has feelings for her? Was he scared he would do something with her?

“Because she is crazy. She may try something.”

“Are you going to tell her we are together?”

“I don’t know.” He says softly. It hurts more than it should. I blink back tears. “But only because I’m worried about what she will do. You have to understand we had a very toxic relationship. It was on again off again bullshit and she caused a lot of scenes throughout the whole thing. She cheated on me often and accused me of cheating. It was a very messy relationship, and I don’t fully trust her not to flip out if she knows we are together.”

“Did you cheat on her?”

“No. I’m not that kind of guy. There was this one time when we had just broken up that I fucked someone else, but we were broken up because she had kissed another guy.” He lets out a harsh laugh. “But I never cheated on her.”

“What do you think she will do if she finds out we are together?”



“What kind of mood she is in.”

“What’s the worst-case scenario?”

“She fights you. Or she says I fucked her, which is why I don’t want to be alone with her. Not that it matters, she will probably claim we hooked up all over the internet regardless, but I don’t want to give her anything to use as proof. I don’t want to give you any reason to doubt me.” He looks at me.