“Hey.” He pulls his arm from around me, picking up a bottle of vodka.
“How are you guys?” Ben asks with a smirk.
I wonder if it’s obvious we’ve just had sex. I try not to blush.
“Good.” Wes replies, pouring some vodka into a plastic cup. “You guys?”
“Good.” Dennis replies.
Wes adds a splash of cranberry juice to the cup and throws in a lime before handing it to me.
“Thank you.” I say, taking a sip. It’s strong but not as harsh as pure vodka.
He pours some Jack Daniels into a cup and adds a splash of coke, taking a sip.
“Pace ourselves.”
“Haley is here.” Dennis nods towards the entrance.
I look over and sure enough Haley is walking in with two other girls following behind her. I wait to see if Alan follows her in, but he doesn’t appear.
“No, Alan.”
“No. I didn’t think he would stick around.”
“Who’s Alan?” Ben asks.
“He is sort of an ex of mine.”
“They were together yesterday.” Wes adds. He takes a drink from his cup and puts his arm around my waist. “We avoid her, we avoid drama.” I nod.
“She will find you.” Ben says. “Always does.”
“She is a crazy bitch. I don’t know why you even let her come.” Came the sound of Dennis’s voice from the edge.
I look up at Wes, he just rolls his eyes. “Let’s go watchKey Failures’set.” He snorts, pulling me towards the stage.
We stand in the back, leaning against the side of a wall. Wes keeps his arm around my waist, occasionally squeezing my hip. I rest my head against him as he taps his foot to the beat of the drum asKey Failuresplays. We take sips from our cups every now and then, pacing ourselves.
“I love you.” He whispers in my ear during a pause in the music.
I nod my head at him and he smiles down at me, giving the side of my head a quick kiss.
I’m so focused on being against Wes that I don’t notice Haley and her friends standing a few feet away from us until halfway through the set.
I glance over and see Haley staring at us. She quickly looks away when we make eye contact. I look up at Wes who is staring at the stage, mouthing along to the song. He glances down at me, feeling my eyes on him. He raises an eyebrow questioningly. I just shake my head and go back to looking at the stage.
I’m sure I have nothing to worry about. Haley could stare at him. She could want him for all I care. I have him. He is mine. He loves me. She couldn’t change that.
I finish my drink asKey Failuresis wrapping up their set. Wes takes my empty cup and pulls me with him towards the drink table again.
He is busy making me another drink, so he doesn’t notice Haley walking up to us. I do and try to keep my heart from racing. What could she possibly want?
“Hey.” She says.
Wes straightens up at the sound of her voice but doesn’t stop making my drink. He hands it to me and looks over at me, then her.
“Hey.” He busies himself with making another drink.