Page 105 of A Dark Melody


He nods, not making eye contact. “But that’s not who it’s about now.” He adds.

“No?” I question with a small smile.

I could take him singing a song he wrote about someone else, if he was singing it for me now.

“No.” He confirms and squeezes my thigh.

We get to the venue a little late, and I have to rush to the stage to do a sound check as Wes goes to drop his things off on his bus. But, when I walk off stage after my sound check is done, I find him standing there watching me.

“Hey. I didn’t know you were watching.”

“I missed part of it.” He shrugs. “You sounded great as always.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “Are you staying the night with me?”

“Maybe. The guys andKey Failuresare having a little after party tonight. You want to come? We could go back to the hotel after.”

“I’ll have to ask Sue, but she normally lets me join the after parties.”

“You’ll probably have to eat dinner.” I nod. He puts his arm around me. “Are you staying to watch my sound check?

“No. I should probably get this scale thing over with.”

He nods. “Are you sure you don’t want me there with you?”

“Yeah. I can do it alone.”

“I know you can.” He agrees with a smile. “I want to kiss you.” He says softly.

“I want you to.” I whisper, glancing around the room, at his band sitting on the couches and my backing band still around.

“But we are still just friends.” He nods.

“For now.” I say, and his lips curl up in a small smile.

“For now.” He agrees.

“I should get going. I’ll see you after?”

“Yes. Text me.” I nod and he removes his arm from around me.

I walk on to my tour bus, and Sue is sitting at the table.

“Did you use a condom?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s none of your business!” I practically yell in embarrassment, trying not to blush.

“So, are we done pretending you two are just friends?”

“We haven’t had the talk yet.” I shrug. “Can we just get this weighing over with?”

She gets up. “This was your idea.” She walks over to a drawer by the bathroom and pulls out a scale. “We were more than willing to give you this tour without checking your weight.”

“I’m just curious.”

“No. You want to see how close you are to freedom. I’m not an idiot, Abbey.” She sets the scale down on the floor. “Shoes off.”