Page 101 of A Dark Melody

“She probably already assumed we were screwing.”

I pull on my pants and Wes pulls his shirt over his head. I check the mirror, running my hand through my hair.

“Probably best not to keep her waiting much longer.” He adds.

I nod, walking out of the bathroom and to the door. I quickly unlock it and open the door. Sue stands there with her hand on her hip, glaring at me.

“I thought I told you not to deadbolt the door.”

“To be fair, she didn’t do it. I did.” Wes says from behind me.

“I brought you a face mask.” She says, walking into the room. She eyes the bed. The blankets are disheveled. “I’m going to order you lunch. Wes what do you want?”

“I can order.”

“She is getting a club sandwich with fries.”

“You got it. Will you be joining us?”

“No.” She responds, giving me a look. “You guys need to be at the venue for soundcheck in a bit.”


She gives me a look before exiting the room.

Wes orders the food as I lay back on the couch, putting the cool gel eye mask over my eyes. They were still a little puffy from earlier, though I think the sex helped.

“So.” Wes starts, lifting my legs and sitting down. He places my legs in his lap, giving my feet a squeeze. “Should we talk about it now or later?”

“Later. Aren’t we supposed to be working on a song?”

“Yes. We are.” He smiles.


Wes pulls out his computer,booting up some program on it. I grab my notebook out of my suitcase.

“I think the first thing we should decide is whose song this is going to be. I think that’s important. It will play a part in us deciding the tempo.”

“We could do two songs together.” I offer. “One for each.”

“I’m sure the record label would love that.” He smiles. “Which one should we work on first?”


“Here.” He pulls out a notebook from his backpack. “I have a few duets in there, a few I just recently wrote towards the back.” He passes it to me.

I flip through the notebook while he messes with the program on his computer. He starts messing with some musical notes.

“Oh. I like that.” I grin as he plays a little heavier of a beat. “I’m used to more melodic stuff, but that is really good.”

“Hold on.” He tweaks some things, then plays back the same beat but with a sexier melody over it.

“Even better.”

“I figure our song should be a little sexy.” He smirks.

“I agree.” I smirk back.