My clit feels hypersensitive, my folds pulsating with my heartbeat. I throw my head back and focus on him, his touch, and what he needs from me at this moment. He continues to push down on my lower belly, scooping up his cum and pushing it back inside me, the sensation making me writhe and moan.

My body slowly coils and tightens as though it’s defying him and his command, but Matty doesn’t let up, his fingers working magic on my body as he watches intently, determined to coax one more release from me.

The orgasm that rolls through me is a soft, shallow wave but potent, with a riptide beneath the surface. A scream dies in my throat as my body contorts, and black dots dance in my vision.

Matty lies down beside me, curling his body around mine. His warmth spreads through me softly as I fall into his arms, where he catches me from the swift and abrupt high. Sleep lingers on the edge of my consciousness, but I hold on as the reality of the night threatens to steal my bliss.

“Rest, sweetheart,” Matty murmurs, pressing a kiss against my temple. “I’ll be right here when you wake. I’ve got you.”

Sleep gradually consumes me, pulling me deeper into its comforting embrace. Matty’s steady presence and protective arms serve as an anchor, grounding me amidst the chaotic whirlpool of emotions from the night’s events.

I slip further into the world of dreams, where the edges of reality blur and morph into a realm of tranquility.

Chapter Sixteen

Weekends always seemed toofleeting for my liking. My mom used to say that time flies when you’re having fun. I never really understood her perspective, but then, three extraordinary men burst into my life, and the concept of time struck me with a fierce force. I spent weekends working, toiling away at some mundane tasks, without truly grasping the beauty of the moments passing by. Now, days never feel long enough. It’s like I’m grasping for each second, clinging onto it before it slips away.

During the weekend, I remained wrapped up in Matty, literally. I learned what made him moan and lose control, and I adored touching him and listening to his cries of pleasure. However, at some point, we had to come up for air, and when we did, we discovered Lyric couldn’t track them down.

At all.

The shooter literally disappeared into thin air. What added to the mystery was that every door camera on the street was scrambled.

The unknown situation fueled our intrigue, leaving us wondering what secrets hid behind the enigma that unfolded before us.

Needless to say, Milo and I found ourselves moving in over the weekend. However, it wasn’t something we consciously planned until Monday morning rolled around.

Living with a partner had always seemed like a compromise to me, a potential loss of self, but with Desmond, Matty, and Lyric, that notion melted away. Instead of feeling like I was losing something, I felt as though I was gaining so much more, and for the first time, I could sense something settling within me.

As the school bus rattles with the exuberant chorus of children, it isn’t just deafening, but also making me slightly nauseous. Fortunately, I managed to secure a seat all to myself, granting a small reprieve, but I can’t help having a fleeting sense of regret regarding my recent decisions.

Third graders, it turned out, had no chill. None at all.

“All right, children!” the teacher calls out, her voice filled with authority as she stands up, her body wobbling slightly as she clings to the seat for balance. “Please stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Once we’re parked, find your designated chaperone for the day and stick close to them.” Her gaze narrows, directed at a few rowdy kids toward the back of the bus.

As I peer out the window, all that meets my eyes is a vast expanse of emptiness. The once vibrant farms, lush with crops, now sit desolate and barren, a reminder of the passing season. The parking lot we’re entering isn’t any better, riddled with potholes that jostle the bus as it maneuvers toward the front of the building.

It’s been ages since I last set foot in this particular market. A sliver of unease creeps up my spine as I look out the window and observe the scene unfolding across the bus.

The marketplace is massive.

In the shape of an octagon with an open center, each section caters to a different interest—a farm show, a baked goods haven, an area for learning, a vibrant rodeo space, an auction arena, and so much more. The sheer scale of it all is overwhelming, and it dawns on me that exploring this entire complex in just one day is an impossible feat. There’s an adventure awaiting in each corner, a treasure trove of experiences to be had. Still, time seems impossibly short for such an ambitious undertaking.

As the tires screech to a halt in front of the colossal glass façade of the building, I rise from my seat, eager to be the first one off the bus to round up my charges for the day. I only have four boys under my watch, so keeping track of them should be relatively easy.

Well, relatively.

Being a chaperone isn’t new to me. The teacher often personally requests my assistance, knowing that I’ll willingly step up. It’s a trait I inherited from Sal, who was always a staunch advocate for field trips and would have eagerly been a chaperone himself if he could. Desmond shares the same sentiment.

However, Desmond didn’t approve of this little excursion. His mother gave the go-ahead. It didn’t thrill him that she went over his head, but in the end, they didn’t believe it would pose a significant issue.

There’s also an entourage of aspiring individuals following the bus, all hoping to win Desmond’s favor. They hope to bemade men, as he mentioned. Desmond explicitly instructed them to ensure the safety of every kid and not let anything happen in his absence.

Luckily, Matty and Lyric pledged to join us an hour after our arrival, offering comforting assurance.

With that knowledge, knowing that we have a safety net of reliable individuals backing us up, I can relax a bit and savor the day with my little brother and his three friends.

As I disembark the bus, the sharp scent of manure assaults my senses, causing an involuntary gag and a scrunch of my nose. I fervently hope the fragrance indoors is more pleasant, especially because I’ve been craving one of those heavenly milkshakes. I whirl around the moment my feet hit the sidewalk, eagerly waiting for Milo and Winston. Winston’s dark hair catches my eye first, followed by Milo a heartbeat later. Both of them wear grins from ear to ear, excitement radiating from them as they race toward me, their chatter a delightful frenzy.