The third and fourth grade classes are going, a testament to the school’s small size, with only about two hundred students in the entire elementary school. This year’s graduating class is the largest in decades, and it’s still only forty kids.

“One pancake with whipped cream, blueberry topping, and a side of bacon,” Matty announces, sliding a plate under Milo’s eyes, which widen like saucers. I swear I even see a hint of drool as he digs in. “And two pancake tacos for my sweetheart,” he adds, sliding a plate under my nose.

I admit that I’m no better than Milo—I also practically drool.

Matty’s pancake tacos are a culinary masterpiece that might just surpass his quiches. Still, I won’t let that secret slip. It’s a fluffy, expansive pancake generously stuffed with scrambled eggs, bacon bits, and syrup. It’s a combination that could make my taste buds dance all day long. “So good,” I mumble around a mouthful.

Between Matty’s culinary creations and Desmond’s knack for cooking, I’m convinced they are on a mission to fatten me up. Their generosity knows no bounds.

Matty picks up the sheet for the field trip, a frown casting shadows across his features. I can discern the moment the FBI agent in him emerges. His face hardens, a slight crinkle forming in his eyes. He’s been back to work this week, but it hasn’t altered his routine much, except for requesting a transfer, aiming for remote work, and hacking, something I admit I don’t entirely grasp. His superiors were all too eager to distance him from the criminal empires he was set on dismantling, surprisingly untroubled by his sudden change in focus.

“Did Desmond approve this?” he inquires, scrutinizing the field trip form.

I shrug, assuming he would have if it’s on my table.

“I’m going to put my shoes on!” Milo announces, leaping up and dashing down the hall, Albert close on his heels.

“I don’t think Desmond approved this,” Matty remarks, sitting across from me and pulling out his phone. The snap of an image being taken doesn’t faze me. What does, however, is when Desmond immediately calls, and Matty retreats to the laundry room to have a private conversation.

Nothing occurs in this town without Desmond’s approval. His influence runs deep, a silent presence that shapes our lives more than we’ll ever fully comprehend.

The travel ban still looms, and those two elusive men remain unfound. It’s been a few quiet weeks, and I wonder if it’s the calm before the storm or a sign that they might leave us alone.

And bythey, I mean my blood relatives—my family.

Sometimes, I wake up drenched in sweat from a nightmare featuring a man I’ve never met, one I wish didn’t exist.

“Lottie! We’re going to be late.” Milo’s urgent shout pierces through my thoughts.

I peek into the mudroom, where Matty’s hushed whispers are nothing but mumbles. Rising, I place our dishes in the sink and head to Milo. His glasses have slipped down his nose, a reminder that I need to schedule another eye doctor appointment for him.

“Any big plans for school today?” I ask, slipping on my coat, scarf, and favorite beanie.

“Yes,” Milo answers, pushing his glasses up his nose as I tug his hat over his ears to keep them warm. “Today, we are making turkeys!” he exclaims. “With our hands.” He wiggles his fingers at me after shoving them through a sleeve.

“I love making hand turkeys,” I tell him and open the front door.

“Charlotte!” Jani stands there with Simon, a huge smile on her face. We haven’t spoken much over the last few weeks, especially after the night she offered to help me escape. Although I contemplated taking her up on it, in the end, I chose to give the guys a chance.

All right, fine, they tied me up until I conceded to their desires.

“Jani.” I glance at Simon, who’s still sporting the stolen beanie, then back to her. “Is there something you need?” It’s unusual for her to be waiting at the door for us.

“I hoped we could chat while we walked the boys to school,” she says, laughing in that peculiar way of hers.

“Not today, Jani.” Matty steps up behind us, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We’ve got a ride today.”

As he utters those words, a black Impala pulls up.

“Isn’t that the car that—” Milo begins.

“Yep.” I grab his hand and lead him to the porch, nudging Jani out of the way as we descend the steps. “That’s the same one.”

“I’m going to have to talk with Lyric about road laws,” Milo mutters with disappointment.

“How about later?” Jani tries again as Matty holds the door open for us.

“Yeah!” I absentmindedly agree as I slide into the warm car. We were only cold for a few minutes, but it was enough to chill me to my bones. “Not that I’m mad about the ride, but why?”