Page 5 of Arrow to my Heart

“Run, Beau.”

I do as I’m told, running towards the safe room in the back of the house. I pull a woman inside along with me. Her limbs are shaking, and she seems so frail in my arms.

“You should have run. Next time, you leave me here.”

I feel my head shaking as my heart beats to an unattainable rhythm. This woman was my protector, I won’t leave her. An explosion that would level a city rings out around us. But I have her, so I know I’m safe. That’s all that matters.

A weak hand trembles on my face as I look down at her. She’s not my mother, but she fought for me like one, protected me like one.

“Ma,” I say as I pull her in for a hug. She never let me call her mom, but when I started going to school and felt left out when I saw other students with their mothers, we compromised. Now, I call her Ma. I know I haven’t done it in a while though because the word holds more weight than normal right now.

Thin arms wrap around me, and I lift her, helping her into a chair in the corner.

“I will never leave you.”

A shaky smile looks back at me.

“I know, little one. I know. I love you for protecting me so fiercely.”

I shrug as I lay down on the couch, getting comfortable.

“I can only hope to protect you with half as much ferocity as you have used to defend me.”

When I woke up that same night, she was gone. She hadn’t left, but she was no longer breathing. The feeling of betrayal washes over me first. I realize it’s selfish for putting that on her. She was trying to force me to protect myself instead of her because she knew I would never choose my life first so long as she was with me.

Pain and emptiness war in my mind as I open the door to the safe house. It was deep under the main house, so the explosion didn’t even touch it. I only have to push my way through a small pile of debris to find the awaiting sun.

I pull my phone from my pocket and make a call I never wanted to have to make.

“Well, hello there my adopted nephew. How are you?”

I clench my jaw, tensing so hard I nearly crack all of my teeth at once.

“She’s gone.” That's all I have to say. We don't talk often, but when we do it's only about her. He knows she’s been sick, but he doesn't know what she did.

She wanted to make sure I didn’t get caught because of her inability to follow. She hated that I had to carry her up and down the stairs even though my now muscular frame is more than capable. Last week, her fingers refused to work the television remote and I could see the sense of defeat written in her features.

When the gunfire erupted outside of the house last night, I felt like something more was happening, especially when I ran in to get her. She was already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I will be there in eight hours.”

I hang up the phone. My mind wants to deny this reality but can’t. All I can do is what she asked of me last night before we drifted off.

“He will keep you hidden if anything happens. Promise me you will go to him and let him keep you safe.”

There was every excuse written on my tongue, but the desperation in her eyes had me making the promise. Maybe she knew I wouldn’t keep it if it wasn’t the last thing I told her.

“I promise, Ma. You kept me safe this long. I won’t let that all go to waste.”

“You were worth every single fight, little one.”

“You know,” I say with a yawn, “I’m much bigger now.”

“That you are,” she agreed with a smile. “But you will always be my little one.”

I can’t bring her back, but I will fight tooth and nail for what she gave me. Even if it means aligning myself with the brother who couldn’t save her.

Chapter 4