“Yes, Father?”
He gestured toward the grave. Penny hesitated. Honoring Drew Carver, even in death, was something she didn’t want to do. He’d killed any love or respect she had for him when he’d demanded half her inheritance the moment Gran’s estate had been finalized. He’d turned into a greedy, uncaring and selfish man overnight. He’d finally admitted why he’d pursued and married her, when she refused to part with her inheritance.
“Why do you think I married you before she died, Penelope? As your husband it’s my right!”
“No, Drew, it’s not. Gran made sure of that. There’s a stipulation in her will that my spouse has no claim to my inheritance, married or divorced, unless I willingly give it to them.”
Drew had been furious. She cringed at the memory of his rage exploding. He’d hit her, cursing and accusing her of lying to him.
“I fucking wasted my time. A year! My skin crawled every time I touched you.” He snorted. “I hate petite women and you ... without your grandmother’s money, you’re worthless to me.”
Penny shook off the dreary thoughts and walked closer to the grave. She picked up a handful of dirt.
“May your soul fry in hell, Drew Carver,” she said sotto voce as she flung the dirt onto the descending coffin.
Penny turned and strode toward her car, her head held high. She didn’t know anyone at the funeral, apart from Drew’s cousin, who she’d only met once. She had no desire for small talk with any of them. The urge to get as far away from Drew Carver, even in death, was overwhelming.
He’d killed her spirit. The words, that she was worthless as a woman, had stuck in her mind. She’d lost all self-confidence then and hardly ever gone out since. It took her almost a year to realize what she was doing before she managed to pull herself out of the muck of unworthiness he’d buried her under.
Now, finally, she was free. Now, she could live life to the fullest.
“Mrs. Carver, one moment, please.”
Penny stumbled to a halt. “Yes ... oh.” Her lips formed a delightful round O as she pivoted around to face the man with a deep baritone dripping with self-confidence and power.
And promptly lost her breath.
She looked at his sinful mouth and couldn’t take her eyes off the full lips that turned up a fraction. The words were already floating at her before she realized he was speaking again. She visibly shook herself.
Good lord, Penelope, get a grip. One would swear you’ve never seen an attractive man before.
Attractive maybe, but this man was drop-dead gorgeous and his voice tingled her nether regions. Entirely inappropriate, considering they were in a cemetery.
Penny took his proffered hand unconsciously. His fingers locked around hers, completely engulfing them in his own. His eyes flickered with interest when her lips opened in a gasping breath.
“I’m Alexander Sinclair. Drew worked for my company. I’d like to offer my condolences for your loss.” He gestured toward her stomach. “I suppose the shock caused you to have a miscarriage?”
“A what?” Penny silently wondered if he had lost his marbles. She stared at him, still feeling the touch of his skin against her hand, tingling in a crackling frenzy.
“Drew told us you were pregnant,” Alex drawled. His tone was laced with subdued bitterness and incredulity as he made the only assumption he could—another lie. He stared at her with quiet intensity. He didn’t move; hadn’t moved since the moment her soft, melodious voice had tantalized his senses. He found it difficult to wrap his mind around the knowledge that this petite, gorgeous and sexy-as-fuck woman, was a fraud.
“I’m afraid you have been misinformed, Mr. Sinclair,” Penny said coldly.
She’d recognized the realization that dawned after the initial disbelief in his eyes. He was livid. Penny grimaced as he incinerated her with his fiery blue gaze. She couldn’t look away, enraptured by the shade of his eyes—blue—like the sky, right before the sun disappeared; a dark, rich indigo, with specks of wild colors flashing due to the anger he didn’t bother to hide.
His vision cleared seconds before his eyes narrowed to slits. Penny had an uncomfortable feeling that his anger was directed at her, which only enhanced the fascination she had for the drool worthy specimen that he was.
He was tall, dark, and handsome in a magnetic way. He was probably close to six feet, which made her feel even smaller. His dark brown hair was cut short on the sides but were longer at the top, giving him a naturally tousled look. He stared at her, down a straight aristocratic nose that sat over a wide sensual mouth with a lush bottom lip. She licked her own lips as the thought, of what his mouth would feel like, crossed her mind. His tall frame was set off by wide shoulders that filled the dark suit beautifully, probably hand tailored for him. She shivered at the thought of his strong arms, wrapped around her, dragging her against his hard torso. The thought evoked a ripple of excitement inside her throbbing loins.
Damn, this man looks good enough to eat.
Penelope! Concentrate!
“Ahem,” Alex cleared his throat. The gruff sound was soaked with irritation.
Penny jerked her eyes back to his face from where her gaze had inadvertently gravitated toward the slight bulge in his pants. Her cheeks bloomed; caught staring at his crown jewels.
He took a step closer, his deep voice, low and muted, “Were we misinformed, Mrs. Carver, or was your husband?”