Page 26 of Just A Kiss

“I’m halfway there-e-e! Yeah, yeah, livin’ on a praye-e-e-r!” Her voice cracked as she attempted to reach a high note while belting out the words at top volume.

“Hey, stay in your lane, mister!” she admonished as she pointed a warning finger at whoever hid behind the tinted windows of the GMC truck that kept inching closer into her lane. “Well, if that’s how you wanna play it,” she snorted as she flicked on the indicator to change lanes. Checking the side mirror, she mumbled irritably, “Oh, c’mon! Move past or slow down. Either way, do one or the other so I can switch lanes. I’m warning you, if this asshole scratches my bug, it’s gonna be your fault! MOVE asshole!”

Fingers tapping on the steering wheel, she realized the darn truck kept the same speed.

“Well, I suppose I’ll just drop back completely and leave the entire freeway open to you two gentlemen,” she grumbled and checked the rearview mirror. When she detected another black GMC behind her, her heart missed a beat. “Freaking moss balls! They’re boxing me in. Hell, and damnation, I’m in trouble!”

Forcing herself to remain calm, she fumbled in her bag for her cell phone and quickly dialed Carter’s number.

“Carter, I’m being boxed in. It looks like they’re going to force me off the road at Springvale,” she said the moment he answered the call.

“How many?” The quiet and calmness in his voice offered her strength.

“Three GMC trucks with tinted windows, so I can’t see how many cowards are inside.”

“Do not antagonize them, love. If they force you off the road, drive into a tree. Don’t let them force you into a situation where you end up in a worse situation.”

“You want me to hurt Suzie?” Her voice turned squeaky. Not because of damaging her beloved VW Bug but from the fear his words awakened inside her.

“Rather that than you ending up at the bottom of a ravine. Are you wearing the jacket you had on at breakfast yesterday?”

“It’s on the seat next to me. Why?”

“I want you to put it on. Now, love. Before they get hold of you.”

“I’m trying to keep the bug on the road, and you want me to put on a jacket?” She cursed as she had to yank on the steering wheel to keep the GMC on her left from scratching her precious car. They were steadily forcing her to the far-right lane toward the off-ramp leading past Springvale into the mountains—the same road where they had come across Lisa.

“I attached a tracker under the collar yesterday, Daphne. Wear it, so I can find you. I’m already on my way.”

“A tracker? Why would you do that?” Daphne didn’t know if she was angry or relieved.

“McCarthy threatened you. I don’t trust that man. It was merely a precaution. I wasn’t prepared to take any chances. Not with your life. It’s too important to me.”

“I’m glad you did.”

“The jacket, Daphne. Are you wearing it yet?”

“No, I’m driving—”

“Put it on. Now!”

“Oh, for Chrissake,” she mumbled but grabbed the jacket and haphazardly pushed one arm through the sleeve. “I’m halfway wearing it. Don’t shout at me, Carter,” she said in a small voice when he took a deep breath. “I’m hanging on by a thread already.”

“Just make sure you’re wearing it when they force you out of the car.

“Do you think it’ll come to that? Do you... are they the ones who took all the girls?”

“Maybe, but I don’t know for sure. Just stay calm, love, and whatever happens, wear that jacket! I’m halfway to your location. Concentrate on your surroundings. Stay alert. If an opportunity arises... run like the devil is chasing you.”

“These bastards are the devil. Oh! They’re forcing me off the freeway. It’s happening, Carter. Carter, how far away are you? Carter!”

Her scream echoed back at her as she felt herself lose control of the bug when the power of the three trucks forced it in the direction they wanted it to go.

“Shit, shit!” she cursed as she lost her hold over the cell phone when she clutched the steering wheel and watched it skid across the passenger seat to drop over the side onto the floor. She dragged in a deep breath. “Calm. He said to stay calm, Daphne.”

Yeah... he also said drive into a tree.

“Oh, yes... he did say that,” she whispered as she looked around. They were forcing the VW Bug up a hill, driving over a grassy field, no doubt to push it over into the ravine up ahead—just like Carter had predicted. “Well, boo-hoo. Guess what, buckaroos! It’s not gonna transpire. I happen to have a very clever boyfriend, and he told me to drive into a tree.” She downshifted and slammed her foot on the gas pedal. “And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do!”