His words combusted in her mind as she leaned back into his arms and boldly cupped his buttocks. The words, “Yes, please, Carter,” caused his cock to distend shiny and taut.
“Mmm. You smell wonderful. This is so luxurious. I wouldn’t mind staying here with you forever. I wish this night would never end.”
Daphne sighed as he pressed his face in the fragrant wet tufts of her hair. Lost in thought, she let go and surrendered to the dream of being captured forever in the amber of a crystallized moment.
“I’m not running away, Carter.” Daphne smiled into his eyes and stroked his chin. “In fact, I need it, too. The tension in my body is killing me.”
“You’ve got me wound up so tight in the short time I’ve known you, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to go slow. I’ll try to savor the moment, but I’m starved for you. Don’t expect any restraint from me.” He studied her intently. “Are you ready for me?” With a carnal growl, Carter reached down and slid a finger inside her. “So lovely down here.”
“I didn’t think you were the waxing poetic type. Need some direction to get going faster, Sheriff?”
Daphne had become so adept at hiding her feelings for so long, she didn’t really know how to open up completely to a man, especially in intimate situations. She would clam up and default into a mechanical mode. The result was forced. The attempt at free play and unconscious thought disappeared behind an anonymous mask... until his lips covered hers with a tender kiss that assuaged her anxiety and acknowledged her feelings.
“Easy does it, Lovebug. I changed my mind. We’re gonna skip the fifty-yard dash and run the five-thousand-meter marathon. You’ve got nothing to lose with me except the demons hounding your mind. You can relax, love. I have no intention of hurting you... or running away, ever.”
“Oh, Carter.” She understood immediately that she didn’t have to hide anymore. If she gave her heart over to him unconditionally, it was with the knowledge that he was the one man who had the ability to hurt her more than she had ever been hurt before. He had the power to destroy her. It was the way she loved. It was all or nothing. Daphne felt her heart beat painfully in her chest. Life had taken a hard left turn. One she hadn’t expected. She didn’t know if she was ready for the intensity the look in his eyes promised.
She trembled as her mouth opened into his kiss. Suddenly, the past days fell away and vanished. She felt assured of his commitment?even if only for this night. She savored the first taste of a sweet, enduring love without expectations. No looking back.
Locked in each other’s embrace, they swayed and turned, lost together, veiled in gossamer breezes that rustled and soothed their sunbaked skin in a nocturnal balm.
“Ohh,” she moaned as he enticed her with bites and lashes, punctuated by feints and probes until her thirst had become unquenchable. She turned into his kiss and drank eagerly from the passion she so desperately needed.
Daphne’s eager hands pulled and tugged impatiently as she freed his cock from his shorts and stroked him taut. She was overwhelmed with powerful emotions as the world around them threatened to fall away.
“Carter, please. I need you.” She was lost to him. She hooked a leg around his waist and drove herself against his shaft, grinding her swollen nethers up and down his length.
His marionette hands tickled her hips with feather-light strokes that dipped and grazed, scuffed and swirled to soothe and tease the soft vacancy of her skin. Her mind was unable to process the pleasure that followed each caress. It felt as if her body had a transitory paralysis, where it was only him, his touch, and his warm breath that moved her.
“You’re so lovely, and you smell like heaven... honeyed nectar,” he whispered as he nibbled on her ear.
Daphne trembled, unable to move as fear trumped the desire to seduce not his body but win the emotions she sensed were tightly protected inside his heart.
A bolt of fear ripped through her, but he threaded his hands beneath her shoulders to soothe the ache that sat clumped upon her shoulders.
“Don’t. No negative thoughts,” he whispered, nuzzling her cheek. “No thoughts of past hurts. Leave it where it belongs and look to the future... with me. This is our moment, Daphne Fowler. Leave the ghosts of the past where they belong. Live in the moment with me.”
“You might regret saying that, Carter. I might never want to let go of you,” she whispered as she pressed her mouth to his for a kiss wrought soft and hard and mixed with love and hope.
“I doubt that, Lovebug.”
The warm kisses on her eyelids and circled caresses traced on her back soothed the torment and swept the cold surge of remembered heartache to the back of her mind, drowning all her doubts as he firmly embedded his very essence inside her heart.
Carter sighed against her delicate mouth. “I love these,” he murmured as he leaned closer to teeth on the sulky pink of her lower lip and whispered his palms over the taut, dark flesh of her nipples.
“Carter, you’ve got me all hot and wet. I’m already on the edge. Don’t make me wait.” To confirm her request, she reached down between them and gently stroked the already-engorged knob of his cock.
The smile on his face was warm and loving as he brushed back the thick, wet tufts of hair that clung to her shoulders.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
Daphne’s heart filled to bursting at the tender adoration she read in his eyes. She grinned that cheeky smile, which he returned with a roguish grin that tugged at her heartstrings.
“No, and I have to say, Sheriff Scott, it was well worth the wait.”
His hand wandered into the wet strands of her chestnut mane and pulled her head back to stare at her.
“You don’t need to be told. All you need to do is look in my eyes, and you will know all.”