“My sort?” Daphne clutched the knife as if she was preparing to throw it at his head.
“Incompetent reporters whose only intention it is to sink an honorable county attorney’s career aren't welcome in Provo.”
“Oh!” Daphne was startled as a big body suddenly circled her from behind and leaned in to place a lingering kiss on her cheek.
“Morning, love.”
Daphne’s eyes lit up as she looked up at him. His smile filled her heart with warmth as much as his large hand cupping her chin did her skin.
“Everything okay?”
“Oh, everything is just peachy...” She looked at McCarthy. “Isn’t it?” Daphne had to muster the laughter that threatened to bubble to the surface at the shocked expression on McCarthy's face that he couldn’t hide.
“You’re with her?” he barked at Carter. “That’s why she’s here? You brought her here to further embarrass me?” McCarthy’s eyes narrowed on Daphne. “You would do well to remember what I said, Ms. Fowler. Just one mention of any kind associating me with that ridiculous investigation, and your loverboy can kiss the next sheriff election goodbye.”
“Sheriff election?” Carter snorted. “It doesn’t matter either way. See, I’ve decided to run for the Utah County Senate.” His smile turned cheshire-like as McCarthy blew up like a pufferfish. “Do you see the irony in that, McCarthy? You’ll be working for me, so if I were you, I’d be very careful who I threaten in my county.”
“You haven’t heard the last of this, Sheriff Scott. I won’t stop, even if I have to obtain a court order to force you to end this uncalled-for manhunt against me.” McCarthy pushed the chair back so forcefully that it toppled over as he stormed off.
Daphne stared at Carter in wonder, having completely been lost in the interaction from the moment Carter had arrived. One eyebrow inched up questioningly as he noticed her look when he righted the chair and sat down.
“You kissed me.” She looked around, noticing the interesting looks from the other diners. Her voice turned to a whisper. “In front of everyone.”
“So? We’re both adults. As far as I’m concerned, the intimacy we shared the other night was the seal on the start of our relationship. In case you didn’t realize it, I’m not the kind of man who sleeps around, Daphne. When I do reach a point of intimacy with a woman, it’s a commitment I make to her. We’re an item, a couple, attached... call it what you wish, but know this... I for one, am not going to skulk around the corner to steal a kiss or touch you. I will boldly show the world how proud I am to have you by my side and how much I am coming to care for you.”
“C-Care for me?”
“Again with the word games. What is it with you, Lovebug? Or does it come with a journalism career? Care, infatuated...” He smiled gently. “Love... call it what you wish, since all the above apply.”
“L-Love? You love... love—”
“I’m starting to become worried about your vocabulary, love. Perhaps I should invest in buying you an Oxford thesaurus. If you can do no more than repeat words like a parrot, at least put some action to them and show me what you’re trying to say... or feel.”
“Now?” Daphne’s breath stuttered. Her eyes darted around the room. They were now the undisputed center of attention. “Here in front of everyone?”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were scared... or are you more bark than bite in general... Miss VW Bug?”
“I’ll show you more bite than bark, Sheriff Scott,” she mumbled as she got up, lifted a knee on the table, and crawled forward until a hair’s breadth separated their lips. “I’m always up for the challenge, my handsome knight... best you remember that.”
Her words were still floating between them when she bridged the small gap and kissed him with all the passion and longing in her heart.
“Ah... so that’s what you were trying to say,” he chuckled as she drew back long moments later, her breathing haggard as, once again, Carter had taken control of the kiss in a most demandingly satisfying way.
She winked saucily. “Indeed, my honey buns. Very much so.”
His brows drew together as his voice turned gravelly. “Now, say the words, love. I need to hear the words.”
“Care, infatuated... love.” She smiled tenderly. “All the above apply.”
Daphne burst out in a delighted, tinkling laugh as the big wolfish man rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Oh Lord. Now she’s a copycat. I’ll definitely have to buy that Oxford thesaurus.”
Chapter Fifteen
The following day, the Springvale area between Provo and Spanish Fork...
Driving along the I-15 toward Spanish Fork, the sound of rock music blared from the radio, filling the bright yellow VW Bug with the memories of nineties music. As always, Daphne danced along in her seat to the heavy rhythms of the drums as the next song started.